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Real Psychic Experiences

Helping Spirits


When I was young, my mother said that I used to scare her as I would talk to people that weren't there, and describe them to her as if I were looking at the person.

As I grew older, I began to see shadows and get feelings that weren't mine. I thought that I was going crazy. Going into certain buildings and walking certain routes began to scare me as I could feel the mood that was suffered in the area.

Suddenly, I began to see the full figure of a boy I knew that died when we were young. It wasn't that he was in the room, but I could see his face in my mind and I could feel his sadness. This happened out of nowhere. A couple of weeks after he started to appear to me, a lady stopped by in my town. She told me that she was a medium and asked who the young boy following me was. She gave me advice on how to help his spirit. After taking her advice, I never saw him again.

One night in bed, I felt a choking sensation in my sleep, I opened my eyes to realize that I couldn't breathe when a young toddler boy dressed in white with curly brown hair and huge eyes came to comfort me. He rubbed my neck and told me he was helping me. I thought I was dreaming but when I opened my eyes, my sister was there crying as I had stopped breathing for a minute and she was helpless.

I started seeing images of a man in my head and he was telling me that he was afraid to leave as he had been a bad person and needed to live to change his life. Many days later, I saw his photo on the local paper, he had died of a heart attack alone at home and had been there for many days before he was found.

These are just three of my experiences, probably my three worst ones. At first I thought that I was truly going crazy, but now I think that I may have a gift and I am just not yet skilled enough to use it for the good of others?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, faeirie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

faeirie (2 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Hey Leo,

Thanks for your comment... To be quite honest Ireland is falling apart. The taoiseach (the leader of the country) is from my home town in the midlands but he's not doing so well unfortunately... Economically the country is going down, many jobs lost and the cost of living is getting higher...
So at the moment a move to our little country is not such a good idea? As for accepting the paranormal, a few morepeople believe in the paranormal, as Irish people have always believed in banshees and roaming spirits, however possessing any sortof powerful feelings, or having any abilities that link to the paranormal are frowned apon... However I believe you would find the old Irish Pisreogs (Paranormal Stories) of great interest? Some would relate back to the time of your Irish ansestors around the time of the famine (1845-around1849) kindest Regards-Dympna
leodowneyjr (1 stories) (71 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Wow you sound like a powerfull person, and in Ireland, that's cool, how is Ireland these days, on the radio they said the economy was realy good now and the country was doing great, but who knows what is the truth in america these days, we are fed allolt of fabrication and false image from TV and media. My grandpas parents came from Ireland in the late 1800s. As america starts to fall apart I wish I could move there, or newzeland or some other county full of white people that's doing well, God knows many places in africa, europe and south america have probs too. How is living in Ireland, and is the parnormal being accepted there yet. Please let me know. Leo Downey.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
I don't know what to tell younger people. There is a way, listening. It isolates you and makes you more in demand in a way and you don't understand it. Just know, others have experiences so you aren't unique and live happy.
faeirie (2 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
It's not really a problem for my partner, well I haven't really told him because he laughs at me. My parents believe that I am, as they've been there when I've seen things however, I'ma catholic and Ireland is not ready to accept different people. I do believe in God and I feel guilty for seeing things so I tend not to say. So did everyone jus develop their senses themselves, or is there a way in which I can develop mine more clearly. Thanks so much... ❤ ❤ ❤
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
In your younger years, this is not a biggie. It's all about learning and having fun. In your older years, you have to know that he can deal with it. He has to be somewhat bright and strong to do that... No offense, just how it is.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
My husband knew how I was. We worked together, in the same corp. I answered the phone maybe 40 times in the day, maybe more. When he called, I always answered, "Hello Honey or Sweetheart." He told me one day what if I answered that way one day and it wasn't him? I thought it was weird. But it made him uncomfortable and now, 24 years later, it still does. So I always just say, "Hello." Usually, sometimes if it's him I do forget. You are you - and if some guy can't deal with it, you won't change. Perhaps you put too much importance on it and can give it up to fit in and please him. I never could. Take me or leave, but I am pretty much who I am.
faeirie (2 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Thanks for reading my story, and for your comments. I don't know what sort of abilities I have, at first I thought that I was just crazy... I am searching for answers!? My friends at work think it's cool that I have such weird feelings, I even fainted in work one day after an image touched my hand... I don't know what to do or if I want to do ANYTHING about it? 😭 😠 😨

Thanks for the kindness, I'm glad I've found some friends.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
I always like to help people. I always like to see them happy. At every job I do, I tend to crack dry jokes and get everyone in a good mood. In school, it was the same way although I did have a few bad teachers who got on my bad side a little. Usually I get hugs a lot, from other women. Men are more respectful and polite. My suggestion, and I might totally off, is that you appreciate real life. You are here, after all. That must mean something. Being curious about this other stuff is fun, in down time. It takes decades. They, whoever "they" are, don't spit it out with easy answers, or maybe I just don't hunt enough. I have gotten in trouble hunting too much though, so that might not be right either. In the end, we're students. There are layers of reasons and hard for us.
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
so, what, empathy, clairisent, psychic, psyvamp, what are you? And do you like your abilites? Do you think of them as gifts or curses? Listen, I just got dumped by my boyfriend and partly it was because he said that my empathy was annoying. Then he called again telling me that; "he couldn't be happy without me" and even then, I'd rather lose him than blame my abilities. Even though he was great, and it is hurting me, that he blames my empathy, my gift which I was BORN with, for destroying my relaitionship, I still prefer them over him. Learn to love your gifts. They are curses, its true, but then again, isn't MANY things gifts and curses in some way?

You are among friends. Val.

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