I have always been empathic, but lately I I've been dreaming about Amy. When I talk about things I cry randomly, as if I feel her sadness. We both suffered addiction and I'm worried I'm either crazy or we're connected in some way. It's really bugging me. My body feels her sadness, happiness and love for her ex husband And shame here and there. I'm begging to be careless in my actions and I think this may be a treat I'm receiving from her. Is this even possible? Maybe I need help. Maybe I'm
Not. Maybe I am and maybe this is sane but I could really use your guys help. I have never met her but I feel as if she and I are great friends, one the same. I'm starting to discover
My abilites (or that I'm a loon) but it's the same either way. Starting to realize that spirits are trying to communicate with me, so why is it amy Winehouse? Very random. I'm very confused. Is she is trying to send me a message why would it be me? Maybe cause our history? I'm 22, she was 27 when she died. I did heroin she also did Heroin. I'm new to all this stuff? So any help would be the greatest Help. My email is Meganmathews805@icloud.com if you would like to chat or give advice. I sound crazy I know I do. Maybe I should be locked up. I just don't get why me. My first spirit someone of such beautiful and important nature? Does she need help? Can I help her? Does she miss her family and think I can help her? I would love to help if she needs it, hell if this is real
Maybe we can help each other. She can help me develop my abilities and I can help her cross over. I'm a writer, does she want me to write another song? Maybe she wants to say something.