I'm not sure if I am explaining this right but for a little while now, whenever I do any paranormal investigations I always start crying before the entity (doesn't matter what it is demon or ghost) presents itself. Even when I am watching somone else's footage of them capturing an entity speaking on an EVP or as scary as them being attacked if it is real I start crying uncontrollably. I don't plan on it and I can't stop it, it just happens. I'm not sad or scared but I'm not sure how to explain it. I feel as though I want to comfort whatever is reaching out or speak to them, if it is a bad entity I feel an over whelming need to yell at it to go back. But I'm still not scared even though I should be. It sounds so crazy. I'm sorry for my lack of description on the matter.
I also when this happens get really cold hands and my friends who are with me say that they can almost feel a draft coming from my hands like I am projecting wind from my hands. I have also predicted some of my family members deaths. Like when my cousin died I dreamt of myself crying with red hair but when I dreamt it I had long brown hair. I had cut my hair a month before and dyed it red. She died and when she died I was sitting in the same spot I had dream that about crying. I feel like I should have done something to stop her death. This has came before the events of above, so could they be linked?
Also my little cousin came to me the other day saying she feels like she can only speak to me about this, that she dreams the future and her sister dreams about demons and spirits. They are only 9 and 10 and I haven't told any of my family about this as they are strongly opposed to the idea of the paranormal and supernatural gifts, and don't believe such a thing exists. I have no idea what to tell them as I'm afraid my family will get mad at me. So please any help would be great. Thank you.
First of all, such situation you described is not an attack is just a suffering spirit that "chose" you in some way in order to get some help/relief from you.
You can help this spirit in several ways: first pray for him and second pray for good spirits help him. You can try to talk to this spirit giving some confort, being supportive to his needs! Read
If you really want to help your cousins you will need to study in order to evangelize them. They have to learn about God and Jesus (spiritual ruler of our planet).
Spiritism exists since man start to communicate with spirits, like Moses, Joan d'Arc etc. You and your cousins are mediums you have the hability to communicate with spirits, by this reasson you must study all the books from Allan Kardec (you can freely download in the internet pdf files).
At certain point you will need to talk to your family about what is going on and ask for their support, mostly the parents of your cousins!
Also you can try to find an spiritist center near you.
H t t p://bussuk.webs.com/spiritist-societies-uk
Try them! In case you don't have one near you pse contact me!
Good study