I've known for some time I'm an intuitive empath, and have recently learned I'm also clairaudient, which makes sense to me along with some experiences I've had. I just started this week on meditation and cutting chords to get rid of the toxic negative baggage that surrounds me. At the advice of a counselor who is also an empath, as well as psychic medium, she had warned me that once I started on my path to pure joy finally in my life, i.e. Taking control of my energy boundary, that these negative entities that were sucking me dry would crop up again. And so they did, just last night. Two people keep creeping up to aggravate me like a bad penny, and it set something else off in me just today...
Not sure how much news you all pay attention to, but last week three people were brutally slaughtered in Halamish, Israel, in their home, celebrating Shabbat and the birth of their grandson. I follow the news there as I'm planning to go there in the near future. My issue is, due to the aggravation I just experienced last night, all day long I cannot get the desperate screams and crying of these murder victims and their poor children/grandchildren out of my head. I can even feel the disgusting glee of their attacker and how he enjoyed murdering these three people. It makes me physically ill. I don't know if this falls under my empath abilities or the clairaudient, or if something else, but I can't get it to go away. I'm not even related to these people and live half a world away! It's haunting me. Help!
What do you think "negative energies" are or come from? Spirits that are in suffering, they need help as you described about the victims you have sensed.
You have to pray to them, you have to pray for good spirits help them, you must mentally send them to a hospital in space and good spirits will do their job.
The question here is how can you develop yourself and how can you use your habilities? Easy only the hard way works! If you really want to develop yourself you must develop in 2 fronts knowledge and morally.
For knowledge you have to study, not read, real study the books from Allan Kardec, everithing about spirits you will find in his books (actually is not the writer, those books were writing by high rank spirits read them and you will understand the process) you can freely download pdf file at internet.
For moral improvement, do charity, help other, be volunteer in some charitable institution.
Later you will use your mediumship to help spirits (remember we are all spirits with or without flesh)
That is the only formulae I know!
Good study!