Every day its getting worse. Some days are positive, others are not as successful. I believe it is called my "dark side", which would make sense. Its been getting worse lately. Its like I almost WANTED to become a hollow shell again...i'm fighting hard, though. I'm stronger and so is it. Little victories mean everything. Wether its wicked thoughts that pass through every now and again or fighting it when it tries to make me predict terrible things. I've went through if Bennis died... Not fun.
It feels like whenever i'm so close to finding an answer, its not even close. I end up having surges of energy at random times, as well. Its like a deep ringing in my ears or scents coming from inside my nose.
If anything or anyone is messing with me i'd like to know, at least.
I can't remember my dreams lately. If I do, its just random stuff.
Is the dark part of me plotting against me? Am I going insane? (Seems silly to ask on here, but...) I'm not alone in my head, and I know people on here have similar stories. Please help me with this, i'm not sure how much more it'll take before my mindstate changes again, and i'm not sure how well the turnout would be. I'm guessing 3 months or so if things progress as gradual as they are. I have moments of relapse, as if what happened a couple years ago (First post) and what happened with the girl are nightmares and I can't wake up.
I don't trust the night since what happened, but for some reason its like I'm never alone... I don't detect spirits or anything but i'm still not alone.
Is something or someone haunting me? Did something steal my energy?
Should I be scared?