When I was little, I thought I could feel magic. It seemed like it was everywhere, like a pure kind of energy. My friend and I would pretend to harness it, trying to control nature or making little charms for different reasons. We had all of these things we'd do, like crossing our fingers a specific way to get what we wanted. It was mostly a game to us, but back then I didn't even question the existence of magic. I just knew it was real.
I never really gave those times much thought until now. But the other day I was thinking about it and realized that some of the things my friend and I did weren't the normal pretend games. A lot of times we would hear things in our heads. Most of the time it was just a single word, like one of our names. The first time it happened was when we were in a grocery store, in different isles, when I very clearly heard a voice say my friend's name in my head. A second later, she came running over to me and grabbed my hand and said, "Did you hear that too?" We were scared then because we didn't know what it was. The same thing happened a couple times after that, and when it did we would both look at each other and know.
Then one day we were sitting on the floor trying to work with darker energy. We weren't doing it on purpose, but I thought I could feel that it was darker. We both felt scared, and then right at that moment my bedroom door slammed shut for no reason. We got scared and stopped trying to manipulate "energy" after that. Then we got older and forgot all about it, thinking it was just games. I don't talk to her as much anymore, and neither of us believe in magic, but I'm starting to wonder if those things were coincidences like I thought or if there's something real behind them.
Does anyone know if I'm putting too much thought into this? And if there really is such thing as a magical energy, does anyone have any experiences that you could share or anything you could teach me about this?
Find a way to remove the fear. It provides footholds.
Get and stay rested. If you are getting overwhelmed and are missing sleep, find a way to get rested.
Use logic. If your intuition or a voice in your head says "Travel 200 miles in that direction" and you see bears and crows running/flying along side you, and footprints in the middle of the road walking in the direction, it doesn't neccessarily mean you NEED to go there.
Spirits are able to tap into your ability to perceive things such as that, and, being physical beings, it's almost impossible to know where the source comes from.
In any case, enjoy your journey.