I've recently been working with someone to help find a dead body and I have some questions that I'd like answered if anyone can help. I don't have a problem with dead people, I feel like I have a pretty good grip on that. And aside from being a little too vague sometimes, I've been pretty successful as well.
The problem for me comes when I start to pick up on living people, specifically people who are killers. I've had this experience twice now, or I should say with two different killers, and it makes me a little afraid. One of them doesn't have a brain and will probably lose it soon and do something stupid, but the other one is much creepier and way more aware of what's happening to him. I'm afraid he's able to pick up on me and might be able to follow me home, so to speak.
He's very empty inside and things just sort of flow freely across the top of his brain and he watches them, like he's outside himself somehow. Most people don't do that I think, watch their own flow of thought from a distance, and I think he can see me when I join him in the flow. I think he may be psychic too, in fact, yes, I'm sure. Even now while I'm writing I slip into him too easily. It may just be that kind of day though, I'm very "open" right now.
For the record, I have stopped looking for him, it just doesn't seem worth it. The question I have is this; has anyone else had this kind of experience with living people before? Have you found other psychics you wish hadn't found after all? I don't know if I should keep doing this kind of work or not, finding bodies is one thing, finding killers quite another. Still, it's obvious to me that I can do it, and that always counts for something with me.
I sure don't want this guy running around lose any longer than necessary either. What do you all think?