I was sitting around the house one afternoon, when my friend called to tell me that one of his ex-girlfriends had committed suicide. Her name was Lenore and frankly I never liked her because she was altogether too friendly and cheerful all the time. It turned out that her cheerfulness was part of her problem, really she was the kind of person that thought she had to be happy or no one would like her, so she never faced her problems and got very depressed.
I told my friend I would come over right away and hung up the phone and told my house mates what had happened. Immediately, they all wanted to know how she'd done it, but I had forgotten to ask so I couldn't tell them. I walked out the door and started thinking about Lenore and my house mates and I thought to myself "what a bunch of ghouls, all they want to know is how she did it, they just want the gory details..." Then I thought "That's not fair, I want to know too, I wonder how she did it?" Then the scariest thing ever happened to me; I could feel my body weight swinging under me and I could see my feet moving back and forth. I knew then that she'd hung herself. It was almost like she had gotten into my body but really I think she was just passing on the experience telepathically. I stopped in the middle of the street, stunned, until I recovered and then went and sat on the curb for a while and took a breather.
When I got to my friend's house, I asked him how she'd done it and sure enough she'd hung herself from a tree in a public park. It was pretty sad. I've had other experiences where I've seen dead people and knew how they died but never one that I could feel with my body. Usually I don't mind but I'll be happy if that kind never happens again. I've always thought it was what I deserved for not liking her for stupid reasons.