Lately I've been seeing this little girl. I see spirits a lot so it just seemed like business as usual at first. The only thing about this situation is that the little girl looks almost exactly like I did when I was about eight years old. When I was around that age I nearly drowned and honestly I don't remember most of what happened during but I've always had the feeling that I was saved by someone or something other than the lifeguard who pulled me out of the water. It's led me to the idea that this little girl I've been seeing is a manifestation of my younger self. Is that even possible? Does anyone know anything about this sort of thing?
I've also had visions of my future family and I've seen my daughter who ends up looking almost exactly like me. As crazy as it might sound, sometimes I get the feeling that my future daughter is the one who saved me from drowning. And I wonder if the little girl I've been seeing is my future daughter. She plays hide and seek with me a lot and sometimes I can feel her holding my hand so it makes me wonder if this girl really could be my future daughter. If she is, why would she still be here and why would she be interacting with me the way she does? If this girl is a manifestation of myself, is it possible for this sort of interaction to take place?
I've also explored the possibility that this girl could be the spirit of a deceased family member. I asked around about any member of my family that might have looked a lot like I did when I was younger and the only answer I got was my mom. She's alive and well but I do look a lot like her, especially when we were younger. I've also looked at numerous pictures of family members and haven't seen any that looked like the little girl besides the pictures of my mom and myself.
I've been trying to figure out what else could be going on here but can't think of anything else so if anyone has any idea as to what's happening, please let me know. Are either of these things possible? Is there a way I can find out for sure who I've been seeing lately? Has anyone else ever had a similar experience?