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Clairaudience, Turning Up The Volume?


Clairaudience to me is a mystery, I have quite a few psychic abilities that I would love to improve. Clairaudience is the one I have the most trouble with. I am constantly always having someone trying to communicate with me telepathically/clairaudiently. I will be able to hear them clearly sometimes but it is rare.

Sometimes I will have a ringing in my ears, sometimes it is almost like a rumble or popping in my ears, the number of times it happens depends on how many words the spirit/entity speaks.

Sometimes I actually do hear what the person says, voice and everything, and sometimes it is just a word that pops into my head (I know it is not my thought, for it interrupts what I am thinking).

Now, my probem is, I have the tendency to be very very curious! I can't help but want to know what was said to me.

Sometimes I hear single words, and sometimes I hear full on sentences.

I want to be able to hear what was said to me, loud and clear.

I have found out that being in a sleepy state of mind makes me more open to these experiences, but I really want to experience and know how to hear these things when I am fully awake.

I don't know what is wrong, I am not afraid of hearing these things, in fact I encourage it. I want to know how to making my clairaudience better.

My question is, does anyone at all have a technique or exercise to somehow turn up the volume and make my clairaudience more clear and understandable?

I've been trying for years now to improve this ability to-no-avail.

Any help or feedback is definitely welcomed.



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, XNicholex3, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

EmeraldGalaxy (4 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-29)

I stumbled across this and thought I'd add my two cents on clairaudience.

I have clairaudience. I have all my life but have only recently been able to put a name to the strange things that always seemed to happen to me. For a long time I actually thought I might have a disorder because of the voices, but now I've got a better handle on things thanks to my research on clairaudience and the throat chakra.

Although I would also caution you when doing anything pertaining to the "demonic" I would like to disagree with the last comment.

Buzzing heard by clairaudients is often us picking up on the auditory vibrations an object or person is giving off.

When dealing with spiritual anything, thoughts entirely influence our experience. Someone who fears what they do not believe to be light-originated will therefore have a negative connotation to that aspect of their experience.

What I'm trying to say is that as long as you are strong-willed and positive in the affirmity that nothing can harm you, nothing will be able to.

Don't be afraid of your clairaudient talent. It is a great gift in my opinion.

lola2013 (1 stories) (4 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-28)
In response to Anaelyssa's weblinks, please read up on this guy before you engage in any of the suggested meditations etc. Http://

This guy is known by some as a devil worshiper. The only ONE any of us need to reach out to for help is our CREATOR. Call Him God, Allah, Jehovah, The Mighty One, The Most High or however you relate to the Supreme Creator but when in doubt ALWAYS call on your Maker. From what I understand, The Father does not want us to communicate with the dead. When I hear the buzzing I say, "I can only hear those sent by The Father. I can only hear those sent by The Father." Every time the buzzing goes away. Watch what people advise on this page because I do believe some of these entities are reaching out to us because they are working for the wrong team. There was another post that discussed the fact that these voices are NOT spirit guides but are trying to deceive us. Better safe than sorry.
XNicholex3 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Okay, I'll look into it! That sounds really interesting. Thank you Rosetta!:)
Rosetta1 (1 stories) (76 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
😊 Good then I believe I can help you (well, sort of.) You see, there are creatures called Ancients (the name only tells part of what they are) and I'm sort of...well, their leader's reincarnate. And they each represent some thing, such as Nightmares, Melodies, or Knowledge. There is one we call Lunaria, and one of the things she represents is The Power and Beauty of Music. If you experiecnes some problems, try calling her through the music. She might be able to help you. How I'm not completely sure, but she does have her own way of helping others, simple as it may be. If she doesn't answer, please let me know. ❤
XNicholex3 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
I agree Rosetta! I have done the same thing! I am trying so hard to improve my abilities by meditating everyday! So far I haven't noticed much of a difference but I am going to keep trying!:)
Rosetta1 (1 stories) (76 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
If I may say, I also believe that music is the key to entering other worlds, dimensions, and spiritual planes. I happen to notice that every time I listen to music and can't hear anything else, I feel as though I'm there, but not there. After a while I began to be able to see and hear things out of my range. I also am now able to summon spirits at will, no matter how far they are. This is due to something I call a "spiritual tag". Basically, once a certain type of person, thing, or creature has made some type of contact or connection with you, you can connect to him, her, or it whenever you like. This can also be done if you see that person or creature's name. It is also possible to connect to others through electronic objects. It takes up less energy to do it that way.
SkyLight (1 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
[at] Rosetta1
Very accurate answer. Just want I wanted to say...
XNicholex3 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-23)
Hmm, interesting to know. Thank you for the information.:)
Rosetta1 (1 stories) (76 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-22)
Believe it or not, if you listen tocertain types of music that relaz you, your clariaudience's accuracy of hearing will increase and it will be much easier to hear spirits and other creatures. Also, try to remain in a calm, nonagitated state when you're trying to hear them.
XNicholex3 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-20)
Thank you so much [at] sigmadeadbolt! It is nice to know someone else experiences this! 😊
sigmadeadbolt (5 stories) (42 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-20)
I have these experiences as well, look up info about hypnagogia, and learn how to identify when you are in a hypnagogic state. When you do this you can clear your mind and hear them more clearly.
XNicholex3 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-20)
Thank you, Anaelyssa for the links! It is much appreciated I will have a look! 😊
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-19)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

One Magickal technique that could get you "high" enough is the following:

Some mantras and instructions can be found about a third of the way down this page:
There are also some yoga instructions there.

Love is the law, love under will.
XNicholex3 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-19)
[at] Anaelyssa, thank you so much for responding. I do appreciate the advice and will look into those (except the drugs, I'm not interested in that!). 😊
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-19)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

You say that being in a sleepy state makes you more open to these experiences. Perhaps you could do this when awake if you entered into an altered state of mind through meditation, yoga, ceremonial magick, chanting a mantra, or some other similar technique. (Drugs probably work too, but I would really not recommend it.)

Love is the law, love under will.

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