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Did My Late Boyfriend Visit Me?


Can anyone explain if my experience was real or a figment of my imagination? My boyfriend passed away almost four months ago. I submitted another story earlier and don't think I should repeat myself.

While asleep the other night, I "dreamt" I saw my late boyfriend. I couldn't see his face but could tell it was his silhouette, he said nothing. He was on top of me and I feel his weight (not full weight). I just held on to him, hugging him and kept asking him why? (Long story as to why I asked him why but he kept a lot of things from me). While I was hugging him, I thought in my head, how odd it would be if someone was to watch me sleeping now and how funny it would appear to them to see me hugging thin air. I only mention this, because it seems as though I knew that what was happening is not "normal". I could physically feel me hugging him and I knew it was him when I can physically feel the outline of his body.

He started to fade and I asked him to please not go yet, so I can hold him a bit longer. He stayed awhile longer. I woke up in tears, I didn't even realize I was crying in my "dreams". I didn't feel sad when I saw him. I was glad and surprised to see him. Any input as to if this was real, did he really visit or my wishful thinking manisfesting in a dream? Why couldn't I see his face but could see his form and why didn't he say anything to me? Is it because he is newly passed and his spirit is not strong enough yet to come through? Thank you all in advance for your advice and help!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, starrynights, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

starrynights (2 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
Thank you crewneew. Do I just ignore it? How do I protect myself. I pray everynight before I sleep.
creneew (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
Starry I have been having visiions for over 45 years, in my experience a loved one recently passed will either show up in their death state or as they were in life. Once again I need to caution you if they are not showing their face, be careful! Sometimes when we are grieving and wanting a sign from a loved one, we open ourselves to any spirit around. When I was 11 I was trying to contact my favorite Aunt who had recently passed. I did not have guards in place as I didn't know how at that time. I ended up with a very bad spirit coming to me. He even tried to possess me. My Aunt came to me in time to protect me from this spirit. She and all other loved ones have always shown their face, the bad spirit didnt. So please be careful.
mazab84 (2 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Thanks for being open & not being offended.I'm new to interpreting messages & unlike others don't know exactly where i'm going with things. I just couldn't shake it & flashes of tattoos & tattoos of swallows in particular wouldn't budge & it may not be related to you & your story atall. I think I have my next question for further advanced people on this forum tho & it would be about interpretation as I know it seems to be a personal thing rather than 1 image having a universal meaning. I wish you well & hope that your at peace after your loss.
glowstar15 (3 stories) (24 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
i know this is totally off topic but is whistling a bad thing? 😕
starrynights (2 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
mazab84, LOL! It's ok, his son is in that line of work. So you have it somewhat right, although that thought could be for someone else. Thank you for your input as well as you, creneew.
mazab84 (2 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
Ok I never do this but i've really just got to get this out there & off my chest. When I was reading your story & responding I couldn't shake the vision of tattoos. Random I know. I know lots of people get tattoos in rememberance of somebody. I don't know if your boyfriend had a tattoo but I had to just get rid of it. I left the room & it still nagged at me. So i'm sorry if its not applicable to you I just can't shift it & would rather have egg on my face. Seeing as its a forum for experiences I need to share. 😕
mazab84 (2 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
I do think this was most probably your boyfriend who recently passed to spirit. The format of you experience matches up with loved ones i've lost that have been new to spirit so find it a lot easier to contact us while we are asleep. I was 13 when my cousins son (who was 3) was tragically run down in a freak accident. I dreamt he came into my room whilst I was in bed calling for me & in the dream I turned away. I was inconsolable as I woke. Was desperate to return to sleep to have a re run & not to turn away. I learnt my Aunt had a similar dream about my Gran (her mother) she was in a queue of people & seen my Gran & when she approached who she thought was my Gran, the woman said,"its ok,I'm gone." My point for telling you this is its symbolic. My interpretation of my own dream was he appeared to be fine as he bounced into my bedroom my turning around was him bidding me to move on. I was having such a hard time after his departure. My Aunts interpretation was similar, my Gran was fine also. In reguards to your experience it seems he's telling you the same & comforting you from the other side. Why you didn't see his face I could never be sure but that was what set it apart from a simple dream. He wasn't in his human form & although you seen his outline its more how he felt that stirrs the memory. It could also be as you suggested he wasn't strong enough to manifest fully even in your dream. The only thing that didn't check out for you was that you knew it wasn't taking place in waking life & knew it could be percieved as hugging air. My advice to you would be take this as a gift from your lost loved one & keep your eyes open for other things that could be a connection between you & him.You'll learn to feel him when hes around.Don't doubt it when it happens. I hope my long post helps. I think I at times over analyze & complicate things myself as i'm a healthy sceptic but these things really & shouldn't be denied. I certainly don't believe it was an imposter as you'd know it wasn't him. What a beautiful postcard from heaven you got.
starrynights (2 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
No I have not seen any shadow people nor do I want to. I believe in spirits or the spirit world. But I tend to think that they are harmless or good. To be honest, I'm more afraid of humans. I'm sensitive, but not psychic.
creneew (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
I believe you had a visit. Not from your boyfriend though. Your boyfriend would not hide his face from you. Have you seen shadow people? Some spirits will manifest as someone we love. Be carefull, until you know for sure who is visiting, to offer contact.

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