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Not Sure If Beginning To Astral Travel Or?


I am new to this site and have enjoyed reading many of the stories and advice on here. I have had a few incidents in my life that I can't just shrug off and was hoping that someone can help clarify them for me or at least point me in a direction for looking for the answers.

The incidents or occurrences that really have me wondering are the ones that happen when I try to go to sleep at night. I have had a few in the past year and most recently early this morning, and they usually happen when I am asleep yet somewhat lucid. It starts with a loud whooshing noise in my ears... To the point that is all that I hear. If you could imagine having your car window open and driving fast and the wind noise that fills the car, then that is close to what I am hearing. With this noise, I cannot open my eyes, nor can I move my body at all. I am quite frozen in state and I cannot call out for help. This is usually when the fear grips me and in my head I call out to Archangel Michael for protection... He is my 'go to' for help. Twice now, when I have called out in my head for help, I am then able to slightly make a noise from my throat, more of a murmur and then suddenly I unfreeze and can open my eyes. With this happening again this morning I have been wondering if this is me being somewhat conscious of trying to astral project or is this spirit trying to come through to me?

I have also had lucid dreams where either a voice was talking in an unknown language to me in behind my right ear while I was laying on my back in bed and when I opened my eyes I could still feel the tingling sensation in my ear. Or there was a time (while sleeping) where I was sitting in bed within a vortex of swirling energy and I could not move or call out for help but when I am able to finally get free I open my eyes and my heart is racing and I am panting. I really am wondering why this happens when I go to sleep. I used to hear footsteps in the house late at night too, but it has been quiet for awhile now. I would very much like to be more receptive to my gifts opening but don't know how to work through my fear. I would appreciate any advice or thoughts on this. Thank you.

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Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-21)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Since you like archangel Michael, perhaps this exercise will appeal to you:

For me, it helped me keep concentrated and not afraid during my recent OBE.

If you can't move, try imagining you are standing in a different part of the room. Imagine your body there and transfer your consciousness to it. Imagine what the room would look like from that viewpoint. Then imagine that imaginary body doing that exercise or some prayer of your choice (concentration + protection + call on divine forces).

You might also want to keep a record of your attempts so you can look back and see what did and didn't work for you.

Love is the law, love under will.
Artelyn (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-20)
I've had experiences kind of like this, where I, awake mentally, but am utterly paralyzed. I am stuck like that until something twitches, such as my finger. It can be scary, so I hope you find your answers! From what little research I have done though, I agree with Anna.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
You are welcome. I hope you make progress. It is nice seeing others achieve their desires.
cher-an-gel (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Thank you Shaolin for the advice. I will admit that I haven't put in an honest effort yet with meditating. I find that I can't seem to still my mind for more than a few seconds, so I sort of give up. I know this is a practice I need to put more time and effort in, as it sounds like it will help in many ways.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Cher-an-gel, AP and conscious effort arent really going to get along with each other. It is best to meditate, let your subc take control, and then move forward from there. The conscious mind is physical only. The subc is a bridge between the spiritual body, and the physical self.
cher-an-gel (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Well whether or not Archangel Michael comes in to help me or not remains to be seen, but it gives me comfort in calling to him and I 'believe' he helps me. I am not overly religious but more of a spiritual person, and I am attracted to the belief in angels.:)

As for when I try to move, I can't move a muscle. I tried to move my arms but couldn't. I didn't feel like someone was pushing on me, just that I could not move. I haven't consciously attempted to astral project, it just happens.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Michael the Archangel does not protect anyone besides himself, or other angels. I do agree you are well on your way to astral projection. What happens when you try to move? Do you feel stuck, restrained? Are your chakras aligned, are you neutral when you attempt to AP?
cher-an-gel (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Thank you Anne, I have been on your site today, reading your info!:)

I have noticed that on a couple of these incidents I have been sleep deprived before entering this state... Last night was one of them. My dear hubby's snoring was keeping me awake and I also couldn't stop thinking or shut my mind off. I finally went to another room and when I was able to close my eyes, I still felt very awake and then the noise began, then the paralysis. I tried to be calm but, within I am sure mere seconds, the fear got stronger and I called out for help. Perhaps the thinking/calling for help is like what you say, the reaction to unfreeze from the paralysis, as it is the only part that I was able to control at that time.

It has been mentioned a buzzing noise or a ringing noise... I have that all the time during the day and I don't think that I have tinnitus. Some days it is louder than others, my ears can be very sensitive and ache from it... And at night when I am talking to my guides/angels it can get louder. Is this a coincidence or something entirely different?

I would very much like to explore astral projection more, but would like to know how to work through the fear first?
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
You're going through the catatonic state or pre astral projection systems (can't move, sometimes vibrations, hear voices, etc). You can read more on my sister site at
Sometimes when we think during this process we can come out of it (or as you put it, 'unfreeze').

This is not a spirit coming through you. It's normal pre projection symptoms that happen during the hypnogogic or hypnopompic state. If you want to deepen this to induce vibrations, stop thinking and slow everything down (I like to say 'go dead'). If you can get strong enough vibrations (they will feel like an 8.0 earthquake), then try and lift an astral hand and pull. Again, this is all on my sister site.


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