There was this boy I once knew, who passed away from a cardiac arrest not too long ago (a few months ago) in his early twenties. I knew him when I was a kid but we never spoke, just saw each other because we went to the same church. After I found out he died, I went to his funeral. Then a week later I saw him in my dream, he was very shy but he appeared before me and gave me a hug and a kiss. I was surprised because when I knew him he seemed too shy to speak to me and didn't want to talk to me. Then a few weeks after the first dream of him he came back again, and he was more affectionate towards me and would put his arm around me, but would never say anything. I didn't see him in my dreams until many days went by and he came a third time. Then just a few days ago he came back. This dream was different because he actually spoke to me (something he never did in real life and the other dreams) I was happy to see him so I gave him a hug, and he held me close and kissed me. He said "you're the prettiest" but that was all he told me. What is he trying to say to me? I've had deceased loved ones come to my dreams before, but this is different because he and I were never close.
Do you think he is trying to tell me something? Why would he try to contact me when we hardly knew each other? Did he have feelings for me when he was alive, but was too shy to tell me which is why he's coming to my dreams now? Please tell me what you think, I really need answers. Thank you for reading and answering!
People from dead world may be the sight about death of your family, or somebody you may know.
Or he can call you with him later, once he'll get use to you.
Any way they feed you life energy.
If it will really bother you, contact me and I'll help you how to close portal forever.
Pavel_kravchukmn [at]