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Developing A Psychic Bond With My Friend?


I think that my friend and I have a special bond together that goes beyond the basic senses. I would like to know:

1) if this bond really is something special?

2) how to make it stronger?

3) why don't I have this bond with anyone else?

To start off he is my best friend but also my ex boyfriend. I felt as though we were destined to meet. The reason I believe that is because when he first saw me he said it was like love at first sight however I did not feel the same way. I was introduced to him but honestly, immediately forgot about him and just went on with my life. A few months later, I "met" him again at school (he remembered me, I didn't remember him) and he invited me to a campus event his club was throwing. I said maybe once again completely forgetting his existence (I had a lot going on at the time). A few months later I met some girls at a party who I clicked with and they said I should join their drama club once school starts. So I did and sure enough, there he is at the first drama club meeting, and I (once again) did not have a clue who he was. I introduced myself and he politely told me we had already met. From then on it was cake and we hit it off and dated for 9 months growing to be best friends.

Unfortunately he called it off because he felt that he was not in love with me even though I was/am in love with him. He is also clinically depressed. But even though we were broken up we still grew closer as friends and still hung out and (I'll admit) are sometimes still physical.

Now the weird things started happening closer to the end of our relationship with little things like texting each other at the same time after not talking for a while or he'll start talking about something I was thinking and vice versa. But lately it's been getting stronger. We both went to a water park neither of us really ride big slides be he wanted to conquer his fear that day and got in line for a big slide with my dad as I watched from below. About the time they got to the top of the line I started to feel really anxious and nervous so much so that I put my hand on my chest to calm myself down. I thought that was very strange and when they got off the ride he said when they got to the top of the line he got so nervous he almost changed his mind and I told him I was feeling his feelings! That's when it started

Earlier this week I decided to ask him if I could crash at his house since I do a lot and it was close to my Dr's office so I texted him asking if I could and he replied telling me that his phone was actually on silent but at the moment I texted him he woke up because he thought I was standing in the doorway (which is something I actually do before getting in bed when I come over) and that's what woke him up.

The last thing was that I had 3-4 dreams last night that I remember and he was in all of them. Once I woke up, I had a feeling I was in his and sure enough, he texted me telling I was in his dream!

So if someone could help me answer my questions that would be great. If it helps we met when I was 19. Now I am 21 and he is 26.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, simplyregina, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Icookie365 (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-27)
Ah. That's a downer. You could try just let him get to where you want him to be on his own. Show subtle signs of how you feel and where you want him to be in your life. Start by becoming a close friend. Then move your way forward. It will get you far 😊. Cookie 😁
simplyregina (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-26)
Hey to answer your question, no he does not believe in the supernatural and does not believe what is going on is strange. It bothers me that he doesn't understand because if he did we could work on making our bond stronger
Icookie365 (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-24)
Quick Question. Does he know about/ believe in psychic stuff? Because if he did then he would understand more. I myself as strange as it may seem am 14. So I don't know much about what having a mate feels like, I just know about them through... Other... Strange... Ways... Anyway. Basically, I would suggest trying to figure out how your connection to him feels. It could be a Soul-Brother, Only YOU know that. But I would think very carefully about what you feel for him. It may be love. But what kind? It may be sibling love or the type with a best friend. I also have Cookie 😁
simplyregina (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-24)
Yea. The downside is that he doesn't necessarily agree. Nor does he want to be with me as more than friends: (we're kind of I'm an argument (not about the connection thoug.) I have a twitter
Icookie365 (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-23)
well destiny has been VERY kind to you then. A lot of people DON'T find their soul-mates and it's really sad. The fact his family and your family have connections means the Devine spirit (I have no specific god/religion I follow- I just mix and make my own, It's Easier) is on your side. If you want to contact me for more detailed stuff or anything just ask and I'll see if I can find an easier way to talk 😊 I'll let you know. Cookie 😁
simplyregina (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-23)
That would cool if there's a way to private message.

I just keep thinking about it, it makes since and I always feel like we would have met no matter what. My mother has worked at the same company since I was 3 and it turned out that my soul friend works there too so do his 2 sisters (who are my mothers age). His sisters work with her. Not only that but my mother also went to school with his sisters in grade school and have known each other for years! Like when I met his family even his parents knew my grandmother and priests and stuff. But we met through college of all places
Icookie365 (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
Seeing aura is something I would recommend to anyone. The best thing for me is I can tell when people lie 😁. No Problem by the way. I love helping people 😊.

Now as for WHY we have soul-connections... This is a complicated subject and requires a lot of patience so I'll give you the basics.

I'll use an figurative example. A "Mother" has 2 "children", They both have different life-plans and different places they want to go. So they go. But eventually, they are bound to re-meet. Its the same thing with soul connections, It's like a 2-peice jigsaw.

Well that's my failed example. If you want more info on this stuff just ask and I'll give you some more information on the subjects. Cookie 😁
simplyregina (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
You aren't babbling I'm learning from you thank you! I have a few friends who can see auras (I cannot though I'm hoping I can learn maybe) but I should ask them what they see.

You wouldn't happen to know why people have a soul connection would you?
Icookie365 (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-20)
I'm a believer in fate, destiny and all that stuff but I believe we can change our "destiny". Sometimes for better sometimes worse. Perhaps this was meant to happen. Perhaps it got twisted along the way. You can never tell. Do you know of anyone who can see auric like things near you? Or Perhaps even training yourself (it isn't as difficult as it sounds) because You will be able to see a feint gold or silver chord running between you both, If so you have some form of Soul-connection. The brighter the chord the stronger the connection. Sorry for babbling... It's a habit 😆. Cookie 😁
simplyregina (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-20)
In the first part was just my interpretation of us being destined to be together, like there was no way I could avoid meeting this guy.:)
Thanks I'll look more into that
Icookie365 (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-20)
hi, The first part is unclear to me, but the second part when you said you could feel the same things, that to me sounds like selective empathy. Meaning you feel what the person who you've "selected" is feeling in extreme emotion and also dream/astral travel seems like the only way to put the dreams and the text/doorway incident. The first parts remind me of Sirens and Fae-folk but that's not very important. Cookie 😁

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