First time on this site here, so let me sum up what's been going on to me. I never really had any abilities up until these last couple of years. It all really started (or at least I started noticing it at this time) when my grandmother (whom I was very close to) passed away. She basically raised me. Anyways, ever since then I have been able to "feel" the atmosphere around me. It wasn't too much of an issue until I started paying attention to the people around me. I could sometimes feel the same way someone else felt (emotionally) when I focused on them, even if I was in a totally different mood. Now lately, this ability has had a serious upgrade. I'm constantly aware of differing energies around me. Not too sure what else to call it. Now I know I posted this in Arizona, but I am originally from California and just got back from a trip to my hometown. It was about 4 weeks ago now. Basically since then, I've had all sorts of weird things happen to me. I've had visions, I've been hearing weird white noise (kinda like static from the tv, again not sure how to describe it), and my ability to feel out a room has only gotten stronger. Almost all of this has been involuntarily and I would just like some answers on what this is and more importantly, how to control it. It's starting to effect my work and school life. Sometimes after a vision I feel really weak and tired, and can barely focus on anything. Granted most visions happen while I'm asleep. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
To help you I find energy depletion comes from when we judge others, yes in any way, behavior of others, gender roles, anything that has a less form of love or understanding... We are to be compassionate & empathic to all at at times as much as we can be, it then becomes natural and a natural form of peace. Every person has a right to live their life without judgment, it is simply source that can help work out anything for one's higher good. We can say it, raise it to source, think it, and let it go... Source solves all that in which would help our world be a nicer place to co-exist.
So you want your energy back? Be love, be kind, at many times, be just silent, enjoy nature, quiet your own thoughts of others or what you think they should be or do, it is their own soverign right to be themselves based on the lessons or learned experiences evolved into their own lives. Simply we must enjoy our lives, be happy with our own existence, all is really well all the time. Release any lower thought forms or verbal expressions, I know you can, I sense it in your conversation here, I sense that you are a very loving person, keep choosing the way to external/internal peace with all, you must master it so that all the best outcomes become a part of your life, no harm to none, is my motto, a good one, has gotten me through any rough patches. ❤