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Why Is My Face Painted On My Door And I Never Noticed It?


Currently I'm in my family's vacation house. It's in a forest at a 1400 meter quote. It's beautiful, there are many animals in the forest: squirrels, rabbits, foxes, wolves etc. And I'd love this if it wasn't for the weird things happening. From the first time I came here 3 years ago I had a terrible feeling in my stomach. By the time I only had a strong intuition but even so I knew there was something strange here. I remember when my mom told me we were staying there for a few nights for some reason I started to cry begging her to go back home. But we stayed.

The winter of that year we came back here on the night of the 5th of December with a friend of mine, my only friend. Later I found out she was a witch but when she came I didn't knew anything. During the night when we went to my bedroom to go to sleep. There are 2 castle beds and we chose the 2 on top to sleep on. We climbed on them with only our physical force because if you use the ladder if you are barefoot or with socks it hurts like crazy, if you wear shoes you slip and fall. Any way we climbed on the beds and she told me "Nike! Wait a second!" I asked why and she said she had a knot in her stomach. She started to feel horrible. I thought she missed her parents but now I don't think so. She got out of the room and wouldn't enter it so we slept in my parents' room and they in mine.

After a year in summer things got stronger. My family, my friend and I came back to this house. My master gave me a bell and said that it can sense strong energies. I took the bell with me and tied it to my bed so it was hanging down from the bed. My friend was on the bed next to me. We both had gotten stronger during the last year. But as soon as we entered she asked me "hey we will sleep in the other room right?". But I convinced her to stay in my room. It was late at night and we were playing cards. We were sitting on the beds immobile and the bell started to ring like someone was playing with it. I went to her bed and it continued to ring. We looked at each other and acted like that never happened. During the day I was about to climb to my bed. My head was in front of the chandelier and sparks started to fly out of it. It was like a fire spark fountain. My parents came in asap thanks to our yelling. I thought this old place had some electrical problems. After a few days her parents came to take her back. I was alone here, my parents were at our neighbors. I was reading a book. I got tired and decided to go to bed for a nap. I passed under the chandelier and it fell exactly over my head! I learned that an iron chandelier on the head HURTS like crazy and that I am very lucky.

Now when my parents and I came again I had a horrible gut feeling. It was night and it was late maybe 11:30. I went to the bathroom and I was going to go to bed but after I left the bathroom my intuition/6th sense or whatever it was drove me away to my parents' bedroom. I climbed up their bed and I was gently kicked out. I went to my bedroom. I couldn't turn the lights off, I knew if I did it something bad'd happen. I fell asleep and dreamed that I was in my home-town. I was in my house, lying on my bed with my laptop next to me. I was watching a show about a nun convention on the tv. They were carrying a flag like Spain's but instead of yellow stripes it had black ones. In my head I started to hear the women sing. I thought "Hearing voices during the day? That's new!". Then I felt immobile. I couldn't move a muscle. I was thinking "what's going on here?!?!" I continued to hear the women sing. Then something strange happened, my very soul was getting sucked out of me. I felt helpless. I wanted to stop this but I couldn't move. A quiet "n" sound got out my throat while I was trying to yell NO. I was scared, terrified, the feeling of getting your soul sucked out is something I'll never forget. On the last second my master rushed through the door and pulled my soul back to me. I woke up immediately and called him with telepathy, he used his teleportation (he convert his body to energy and travels any where he wants) and as soon as he came I told him I had a nightmare. He said he knew and that he really entered my dream.

While he was trying to calm me down I saw a red orb/sphere of energy about 4 feet in front of me.

The next day I dreamed cannibal dwarfs. It is ridiculous but it was enough to scare me. I thought something wanted to scare me away from this house. After I woke up I saw the shadows on the wall move.

The next day, well the next night I decided to stay awake so at least I won't have nightmares, right? That was the worst decision I ever took. I was making a schedule on my phone for the day. The light turned itself off and then turned itself on. I thought it was my imagination but my master was next to me and saw it. He was there because since he entered one of my dreams, the one I described he wasn't sure if my plan to stay awake'd work. My phone stopped working and the screen became black. There were noises and shadows from the bed above. I looked at my master, He looked at me and at the door. We used signs to talk so IT wouldn't understand. He said with a look for me to get out. I asked what about him. He looked back at the bed. Maybe he used Chronokinesis, I don't know. We went out of the room as soon as possible. I sat on a chair in front of the door. I asked him (with speech) what just happened. He said he wasn't sure. He sat next to me and started to meditate. I looked back at the door and noticed that with a certain light you could see the face of a women on it. At first thought she was 30-35. She looked sad and confused. Then I gave it a better look and thought that she looked like, no, she was me, but older. I asked my master to look at it. He didn't see anything, I got up from my chair and told him to sit there. And he saw it, and since then (2 days ago) he's been always telling me to pay attention to everything, warning me etc.

I have 2 possible explanations on what's happening to me.

1-I finally lost it.

2-There's something weird happening in this house.

I'm very very sorry for making this so long.

I really hope someone'd help me with this, not even my master's sure on what's going on. He thought something doesn't want me here but now he's just confused. I don't think it's a ghost because this house was bought the first time by my grandad so it's basically new. I don't know if this can be of help but after the dream of my soul getting sucked out I woke up at 05:55.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Madara, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-02)
Sorry for responding late but I hope you will be safe if it's gone hope it is no one or nothing should deserve that
God blesses you 😉
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
It might be this but might not I submitted a story that has a G.H.I.S.T.C.L.O.W.N in it -_- I hate myself if I did this
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
I don't know maybe I don't know stupid if ypu wanrlt to say C.L.O.W.N. Say O.R.B. Like thus orb
Sirry for misspelling my auto-correct is glitching and I only have 14 seconds to write this
AmberEyes (2 stories) (116 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
I mean cccc llll oo wwww nnnn sss?¿? What are these and why can't you say it?
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
I think it means something like beep when we use a word like S.P.I.R.I.T.S. ORother words like that and when you spell C.L.O.W.N. Is says clown
AmberEyes (2 stories) (116 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
Clown? Like a literal clown? Can someone tell me what this means because I only started noticing people using this word today and I am soooo confused? 😭
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
Sorry not purple plants C.L.O.W.N...,...,.,... Sorry to get 50
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
And is it my phone or does it say clown in the responses...,,😕
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
All I know is it can be a bad spirit or a demond why I think that is the sighns on the door and the chandelier and the number 5:55 well I hope this explains it
AnnieBee (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-20)
I'm new to this site and just found this. Wow. That's all I can say from reading your stories. It's amazing actually. But, may I ask how you got a 'master'?
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-02)
[at] Venus-chan
Narcro told you most things, I teach him kinetics and such for a month and a half I think. My master is the person who thought me and is still teaching me how to use my abilities. I don't know my full potential.
Now I can control fire, wind and electricity, Manipulate storms, bend the water element if I'm in my home town thanks to a neckless my master gave me years ago. I possess Lunarkinesis, Biokinesis, Chronokinesis, RetroPsychokinesis,Photokinesis,Umbrakinesis,Optikinesis, some Telekinesis and some Crucikinesis. I have also Empathy,Precognition, Telepathy, Tecnopathy and Clairvoyance. I also know some forecraft and of course the secret/special techniques my master has thought me. These are the names of my powers if you don't know some feel free ask me or Narcro. My problem is that I'm young and I don't know how to properly control and develop them.
If by Father you mean God, no I don't believe in God at all. I was never Christian and I'll never be, and I'll never pray to any other religion. I only believe in my self and that humans are the once that could change the world and not a miracle from the sky. Other than that I do believe in guides, internal energies aka ki,psi,mana and chakras.
And by the way last night I casted 3 times a 3 dimensional shield and it was still weak, during the night I noticed something, other demons had came. I saw 2 new ones this morning. One I remember had black pupils and white irises. It was just creepy looking. The other one was like a man. I saw him when I turned the lights off (I see better in the dark). He was dressed in black. His face was white as a piece of paper. His eyes were black (the pupil and ires both). Tonight I'm leaving this place, I'll do some reaserch and train so I can seal all of them without leaving any. I sensed a few more but I didn't see them.
Narcro (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-02)
I can somewhat explain the student part (considering I'm that student (although there is more than me)) she offered to be my mentor a month or so ago, so we talk through email and skype. She teaches me things I wouldn't know from websites and her own experiences with those things, gives me warnings, and of course it's easier to learn from an actual person than step by step instructions from a website. Of course there is more to it then that but I'm tired and that's all I can think of right now. She will probably point out what I said wrong and tell you herself somewhat early tommorow. There is one thing though, she has never told me why she agreed to be my mentor and she probably won't for a long time if at all. If you have any questions you can still ask me though. Now we wait for her to come on and tell me what I said wrong -_-
Venus-chan (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-01)
Madara, if I may ask, what is your level of knowledge/abilities and what abilities are you capable of?

And do you mind explaining about your student, and your 'master'.

Do you believe in Father?

Thanks, just curious. 😉
Narcro (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-01)
Fine... Next time I recommend more katanas and perhaps fire to their faces though and if your feeling lucky perhaps some hand to hand combat. Maybe a few kicks mixed in to!:D
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-01)
But you know me, I never lose. I was stupid to think I could. I had forgotten that in the minute you doubt your power you are a goner. My guide wanted me to maditate before going so he'd remind me that. And I didn't use my katana, just a neckless from my religion that my guide told me how to use and my portal to the source of negative energy. And you don't even know my true strenght even in theory, not even I know it fully but I can do things most people can't even imagine, so respect for your mentor;)
Narcro (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-01)
I can still under estimate you I just won't do it as much when you use a katana and negative energy to take down 7 or 8 creatures with a cougar animal guide at your vacation home on a blue moon... But only that specific scenario:P
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-01)
Narcro, never underastemate your mentor! I'm still alive. I sealed most of the creatures, yes there is more than one, I sealed just the most dangerous and left the lss ones because from the costant changes of energy I got very cold and my head started to hurt, the usual side effects from using negative energy.
First I summoned negative energy in me, I was in contact with my guardian and my master who'd help me both to change my energy since usually I need a minute, and I couldn't waste even a second. Then I got my energy vision, turned on my clairvoyance so I'd see it and saw there were a lot maybe 12 or 13. I recognized the most dangerous. There was one over my bed. Two under it, one with blue eyes and another with red eyes. One against the wall and what looked like a boy I recognized from a resent dream. He was evil, I knew it. There were much more. I sealed 7 or 8, the most dangerous. I called them out with a technique called dark ball or dark bomb, a technique from lunarkinesis. My guide recharged me with negative energy so I could seal them and he and my master sealed my negative energy in me since I couldn't release it. Then when I was without energy both gave me some fire energy, my guide give me what I needed not to faint and my master gave me his so I could summon a fire shhield to take care of the resting beings. They are still there though. They don't give me trouble but I think thaey can call back the ones I sealed. Should I seal the rest of them too? And I did a search, there is nothing about this place, just some wars in the 15centurie, no slaughters or anything big though.
Narcro (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
To late... She teaches me and she has already started. Shes to stubborn and bent on this whole idea of "its my fight and I need to do it alone" thing. Whatever she can't prevent me from helping when I'm from the U.S. I did some basic spells to hopefully offer luck and skill. I also did a few secret things. Anyways she shouldn't die if what I'm going to do works. Nik when you read this... Sometimes you aren't the smartest -_- good luck... I just wish I could help more...
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
i AGREE! Do not go in thier please. Tell me more about this, and I will see what I know. Before you go please let us think of something else, you must know what your dealing with! These things can do horrible things...horrib...le
sensoryguy (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
No, don't do that. You never know what could happen. This is not some game madara, this is real life and even if you can do what you say, its very risky. And if you do ill be praying for you
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
Tonight I'm going back to that haunted or whatever house. I'll find out what it is no matter what. It's my house and I just want a goodnight sleep. Is that too moch to ask? So I figured out where my dad's book about that place is. I'll look it up for anything that may explain this whole story. I know what ever it is is not good, I'd say it's evil. My mom just entered the room and gave me a neckless with a silver angel that's been blessed in a church, a gift from my grandma'. I don't believe it'll protect me, I'm not religios at all. But I think my mom knows I'm right about my room. From my mom's side I have empathy and precognition from my grandma' and something my grandpa' calls bio-electricity, which is producing energy by one's own physical and spiritual energy. I use it for tecnopathy, and for any kinesis.
Tonight I'll try to summon negative energy in me by Lunarkinesis and call out whatever is in my room, then I'll seal it in me and burn it by re-summoning my natural fire energy (I'm Sagittarius). If all goes well I'll banish it while burning it with a voidus forecraft spell and I shall never see it again. If not this will be the last psychic experience will ever publish from me if you know what I mean.
-Madara aka Nike
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-26)
Thank you all for your responces to my story. I'm back to my house in my town so everything's back to "normal". Yet a few nights ago I had a feeling of being watched and last night a dream to what I think is the beginning of a new war. And now I have a plan on how to get rid of whatever is in my house in the mountains. It'll be risky but I hope it'll work.
Cattydee (12 stories) (161 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)

Yes the voice in your head can be called a guide, a guardian angel, the holy spirit, god, your conscience, there are many names people call it. Always listen to that voice! Never err go against it. It's there to save you and help you out.
Rosetta (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-24)
Thank you for replying and yes, I full understand and completely agree with you. Lets all pray for her, the more the better as my mom would say.
sensoryguy (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-23)
no, there is no offense there what so ever. I understand what you say. But now that this person knows the intentions of what he is dealing with, taking a positive action is the best you can do. Remember that we all have light inside of us. There only those who forget this and don't call upon it inside and around themselves. All I am saying is that the only positive thing you can do, is to pray as much as possible, cleanse the house (room most importantly) and call upon your angels and the divine spirit for assistance, and messages only from the highest good there is that has the best intentions for you and those around you. Positive action is better then no action at all. Again I wish you luck in this situation and I will be praying for you Madara.
Rosetta (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-23)
No offense intended sensory guy, but sometimes evil won't let you avoid it. Sometimes, no matter how many times it seems to go away, there's always the chance that it'll come back. And if youtry to stop something fromhappening, then let it happen. You might end up just making it worse. Sorry if I sound pessimistic, but its quite true. Other than that, I completely agree with you.
sensoryguy (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-23)
Hello Madara, somethings you say about this shadow you saw earlier at some point as well as the red sphere and your face on the door. I don't know what went on in the house you are staying at and if you feel you should not go into the room. Trust that instinct. Don't give into your interest or mind bode-ling in this spiritual realm. Many things are possible. Things can become out of control before you are even aware that they are. It sounds like a shadow person may be lingering there. They are often travelers from different planes that seek your attention so that they may place themselves with in your life. Some are just passer Byers. They don't have to be bad but they can be. First if your intuition is getting a bad vibe, trust it. Second if its a red orb it may not be good because we know that white orbs are positive beings. Third, in my experiences a showdow was never something of the light, and if it was something of the light force then you would certainly get that kind of vibe. My advice is to stop trying to figure out what it is, it may want you to dwell deeper into its existence. DON'T. The good forms of entity's don't make you dwell deeper into the mysterious unknown. They give you less (much less) mind bode-ling answers, and again they certainly don't give off bad vibes. Now you know what it's not. By a basic review of what you say, says that it can most likely be one other thing. And listen to your guide. Pray for their guidance if you are not already doing so, they will help. You are at a cross roads. Stop and take a good look at the scenario. Again trust the light and trust your instincts.
Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-22)
idont know maybe you could religousse to help
Ghfghfhfh for the 50 charecter 😊 😊
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-22)
I followed Rosetta's advice and slept on the couch last night. I was thinking where did I left the book with the history of the town next to mine. I got something to eat and turned on the tv. And with my luck before turning it on with my aura sight I saw the death sign on the exit door. The skull with the x out of bones. Well I returned home an hour ago. I probably must go back there next week, any suggestions on how to survive?
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
How can I stay away from this house? I'd have to sleep in the back yard 😆. I try to stay as much as I can away from my room, tonight I'm sleeping on the couch

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