I'm hoping these strange happenings aren't hallucinations, but real psychic experiences. I can deal with seeing real things and not feel like I'm losing my mind.
I've always known I had strong intuition and had empath characteristics. I knew something followed me from childhood but never got to see what it was or who it was. However I never thought I was a powerful psychic.
Beginning of Last month I started seeing translucent "beings" walk towards me and they looked like energy waves. Their outline was subtle and I thought I saw them talking, but never heard anything. Sometimes I'd see shadows or movement in the air. It looked like a dash of dirt sprinkled in the air.
One night I even looked through the wall and saw beings on the other side, but just their silhouettes. Then night after night I saw these "beings " looking through the walls at me and trying to come through. In my front door I thought I was looking through a portal. The whole door was wavy and I was able to look through it.
I thought that maybe it was my night medicine that was making me hallucinate so I tried to just ignore it for a while.
The activity got stronger and stronger and it started happening during the day. I even began to see colors everywhere. I found myself staring into a big energy vortex in front of me and saw this white silhouette of a person. I waved, and it waved at the same time. It continued mirroring my movements until I realized I was looking at myself.
Is this a psychic experience or hallucinations?