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Am I A Psychic Or Something Else?


I previously submitted a true experience about being able to see and talk to ghosts/spirits. What I told is true, my family mother, father, sister can do the same though my sister says she just sees a shadowy figure while my father and I can see a full on apparition. I know I should feel at home in my house I have known them for almost 21 years now they raised me, gave birth to me but I feel like I am on the outside looking in, they say I'm the freaky, weird daughter/sister. The only time I feel at peace is when I am with animals or working with my vegetable garden. Now and when I was a child animals would just pop up out of nowhere, I even had a bat that stayed close to me when I played outside as well as a mother dog who wouldn't let my family come near me when she was by my side. I love animals and plants, I am studying to become a veterinarian. I need help or advice, I'm not crazy or schizophrenic even though I had to take speech class when I was 5 or 6 because I had trouble pronouncing Rs but I corrected it with the help of the class. I mentioned in the previous experience that I can feel something or someone in my room, it unnerves me because I can usually see them. What I didn't mention was the reason as to why I quit sleeping in there. I was asleep and it was the last night I ever slept in there, my sister was just as creeped out as me. I quit breathing that night then all of a sudden something slapped my chest, it was so hard it left a hand print. This happened four years ago, I'm not afraid of what is in there it's just really uncomfortable for me. I have had a couple of dreams that has come true. I have taken to meditating. I need to know if I am crazy or what am I? Please I need help.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, skk, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

skk (4 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-29)


As far as I know and feel, the entity in the closet and the dream man is not related. The entity in the bedroom and closet was already in the apartment when my family and I moved in. I have dreamed about the man since I was 12, I don't know if he's real or not but I every time he touches me in my dream, the place he touches tingles when I wake up. I don't really associate him with my family in a positive or negative way. I suppose it could be just a carryover from my family's dissaproval.
skk (4 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-29)

I truly meant it when I said I have no idea why my family is like this toward me, you are right though, I apologize for not being clear about me not knowing. I spent most of my early pre-teen and teen years asking my family why they treat me differently then everyone else, they told me it was all in my head and to go clean or go back to reading. I finally gave up asking when I turned 17, I should have mentioned this earlier.

Yes it is fair to say, I don't know why my whole family was against him, I remember in the first dream I had about him that my aunt grabbed me and told me I wouldn't be able to protect him forever, it was the first time I had seen her mad like that. I just feel this need to protect him Its every time I dream of him there's this need to never see him hurt, the dream last week was the first time he has ever done anything like that it was also the first time my nieces and nephews was in the dream along with Him.

I know animals are sensitive, he will go in there sometimes but times when I feel anger coming from there, Panthro "my cat" will stay out of there.

I have nothing to admit, I know I was a weird child and my family makes it a point to tell me so every chance they get, my sister still tells me I used to scare dad in the house we used to live in"the house I mentioned in the first post with the rocker and phone" he refused to sleep in there. I saw fingers going up and down doors at night, I had a "friends". I don't do this out of enjoyment, I certainly don't like being the ridicule of my family.
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-29)


Other than being a person you've dreamt about for a good portion of your life whom you don't know/doesn't "exist" in real life (yet), why do you associate him with your family, positively or negatively? Is it a carryover from feeling your family doesn't approve of you?

How are the closet entity and the dream man related?

IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-29)

I feel like you are not leveling with me. When one feels that one's entire family feels they are "odd" they at least have some supposition why the family thinks this. It is human nature to try to understand, if nothing more than surviving the situation. You can't have NO idea why they consider you "odd". Perhaps you feel if you admit them here, we will judge. I am not asking to judge. I am asking to try to get a clear picture.

As to the dream man, it didn't occur to me before that this was a "love interest"--but it sounds like it might be.

Again, WHY was your "whole family and other people against him"? Surely you have an idea about this. What makes you "defend" him? Why did you feel it was necessary to defend him? Can he defend himself?

You are very brave not to respond to the anger from the entity in the closet.

I am also struck by the fact that your cat stays in the closet when the entity is in there. Usually, animals respond to spiritual entities--not positively.

Sounds like from your dream you hope that this dream person will be accepted by your family (including nieces and nephews) as one of the family. Is that fair to say?

Again, I am just trying to put the pieces together. No one is here to judge you. I do want to help, but you must be absolutely honest with me.

Isle - Lora
skk (4 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-29)

I don't know why my family consider's me odd, my dad says he can do the same thing I have actually been in the car with him when he's driving down the road when someone "jumps" in and start having a conversation with each other. I truly have no idea why they consider me "odd".

I started dreaming about him before I moved to the apartment I was 12 years old then. When I hid the man in the car (he was a teen) My entire family and other people was after him. I don't know why I protected him I just felt the need to hide and defend him.Yes, as I have grown he's grown as well. He doesn't freak me out, its dreaming of him constantly that freaks me out as I have never met him before. I had a dream about him just last week, my nieces and nephews was in my apartment He was playing with them telling them stories my sister called the kids into the kitchen for lunch when I looked over at Him, He was walking over to the couch, he layed down on it on his back. I walked over and layed a cover over him, he raised up so fast and grabbed my head and kissed me. I woke up after that I felt the kiss like it had just been done. I have never kissed anyone before. I don't know what that means either. Its also the only dreams other than a couple other dreams that I can remember so clearly.

I feel the need to protect the kids from the entity in the bedroom yes but not from the "dream" man. I never had a twin in utero. The entity from the bedroom moves from my room to my parents closet at odd times I can feel it in there but can't see it those times when its in the closet I can feel anger coming from it, the feeling is so sudden that it takes me by surprise. When its angry I still don't feel afraid just a feeling of "get away from it now" feeling. Nothing but the entity is in the closet well that and my cat, I have only seen the "dream" man in my dreams.
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-29)

I took this opportunity to read your other posting and, I have to say, it leaves me with more questions than before.

Does your family consider you "odd" because they feel you "see" more things than they do/can? Your mother not seeing these things, your father seeing them, your nieces and nephews experiencing what you do--it would seem that all of you would be able to convince your mother, your parents, that what you see is true.

I am interested in the dream from the other post of hiding the man in your car. You had this dream repeatedly. And it did seem you are hiding the "man" (then a teen) from your family. He has grown as you have, right? So this implies some complicity from you--you being willing to hide him, to protect him in some ways.

But it also sounds like he freaks you out and you feel the need to protect nieces and nephews from him.

Again--THERE IS A MISSING PIECE HERE. I don't know what it is. Did you, perhaps, have a twin in utero who died or was "subsumed" by you? Why did you feel, in the dream, the need to hide/protect this person?

And do you feel he now "hides" in your closet?

Either way, there is some level of cooperation from you. Why? Please try to explain more clearly why this entity, that gives you goose bumps, is not a threat and is something that you might have protected (if we can tie the dream to this entity in your room).

Again--more questions than answers and only you know the true answers.

Isle - Lora
skk (4 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-29)
IslVoter and Starlight, thanks for responding. As for why my family treats me like this... I don't know why they do it either its always been that way. No I don't fear the entity, I feel uncomfortable when ever I feel it... Its hard to describe but have you ever had the feeling of your hair standing up chills going down your spine? Whenever my eldest niece goes in there she has me go with her, she hates it in there as she feels the same way, its weird for me because whenever I feel it in there I automatically push her behind me or push her out of the room and I don't know why I do it unless its because I'm overprotective of her. No I don't have contact with my guide I have no idea how to go about it either. 😕 I have always had some kind of animal around me ever since I can remember, for instance these last couple of years I have had four sparrows following me or landing near by watching me. As for the entity not wanting to be seen I kind of agree as the prankster spirit has shown her self 😢 she's a little girl whom my niece and I play with sometimes now. How would I go about the homeopathy? My family refuses to talk to me about such things and I have learned not to talk to about it unless its with my nieces and nephews. The kids refuse to go in there unless some one is with them. The entity that slapped my chest I don't know if it was saving me or not but I remember feeling drowzy and I could barely move all day after it happened.
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-27)

I'm not sure I understand why your family treats you badly. Does it have to do with psychic things? If they also see them, why would they taunt you for it? Maybe you can explain more about that.

As to the entity in your room: Starlight may be right that this entity doesn't want to be seen. I have heard (in psychic shows) about entities that can rob you of energy and breath--literally--at night.

Is it possible that this was happening to you from these entities and your guide or someone protecting you -slapped you awake to save you?

I mention this even though I don't like to add to fear since there is so much out there.

You said you really weren't afraid but were uncomfortable.

Do you have contact with your guide? Do you feel the animals around you are there to protect you --from these entities (and maybe family)?

I feel like there is a critical piece missing from this story.

Isle - Lora
Starlight84 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-27)
Dear SKK,
Sounds like you come from a very gifted family. That said, just because people can see and hear things on different planes doesn't mean that they have been emotionally healed. My money is on that that whatever hit you doesn't want to be seen, isn't a good energy and the way to extricate it is to figure out what negative energy it is attached to to be sticking around. If you are the person in your family where dark and weird things happen, it is probably past life/existence energy resonating in your current existence. You may want to consider doing some homeopathy or finding a healer that will help you shake loose whatever dark energy you're holding on to when you do that, the external dark figure won't have anything to cling on to unless it's feeding off someone else's dark energy or an experience that happened in your home. Your working model should be Chi/Prana and you're trying to clear that mechanism.
Hope that helps. You're very brave.

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