A few months ago, I began to notice that I had a strange pull towards stones. There really wasn't anything that was alike between the stones that fascinated me. Except for the buzz that each emanated, bringing images into my mind.
I began to collect the stones that called to me the loudest, then sit in a quiet place, and hold them, one at a time. In the silence, my ears could pick up the high-pitched vibrations through which the stones told their stories. They could show me the adventures of a dog in a forest, or show me how a person lost their wallet on the street. Each had a different tale to tell me.
Soon, my ability grew stronger, and I could walk down a pebbled path and pick up the pebbles' buzz. When there were many rocks in one place, the voices would mingle, and all I would be able to hear was the buzzing sound. But when there was a stone that was bigger than the others, or there were few rocks clustered together, then I could focus on one and several images would flash through my mind, too quickly to make sense of, but enough to recognize what the images were of.
The stories of the stones were often quite interesting, but it was very hard to focus enough to make sense of the flashing pictures. But I still have this ability to this moment.
The stones don't necessary tell a story relevant to the location where they were found. And generally, larger stones speak louder than smaller ones.
I would like to know if there is a specific cause for this ability to appear, and what it may mean. Also, some tips on how to better receive the stones' stories would be very welcome.
But they are wonderful either way. I am aware of them even if I can't "communicate". I always wondered why nature had such a calming effect--why I loved nature more than some people I know (!). But when I realized that nature is just a symbolic representation of the energy of Source, there for our support and learning. Then it made sense to me.
Isle - Lora