I'm not sure what this is or if it's anything at all but I read somewhere that you can tie a string to a courts crystal, give it directions and get answers to questions. Deosil (clockwise) for yes and widdershins (counter clockwise) for no. At first I tested it with the color of the sky. It worked. You just hold the string and tell it directions and ask a question. I used it for everything. After a while I noticed that when I asked questions that I hoped would be a yes, but ended up not going the way the crystal indicated.
So one day I was trying to figure out why it was spinning all by its self but not having an actual answer. I tried to make it spin. I don't know how it worked. I just looked at it and willed it to go a certain way. I tried to make it to go all different ways whenever I wanted and it worked. It even worked with necklaces and things on string. I showed my boyfriend and got him to do it but it wouldn't work so I let him hold it and willed it to spin in a circle. It worked! I thought maybe I was special and tried to move a five cent piece in my hand but it didn't work. I just use the spinning crystal thing to relieve stress.
Is this anything? Please give comments
rainbow blessings