Last night I had a dream I was talking to spirits. They wanted me to deliver messages to people for them, I can recall one wanting me to deliver a message to a close friend. He also wanted me to point out a particular tattoo to him. In this dream I saw many things some I can't recall, But I wasn't scared or at least I don't remember being scared. The only problem is I'm 19 years old.
I really need some feedback on what might be happening. This is the first time it ever happen to me! I had a dream before about a lady being the in a car accident the next day it did happen. I'm a strong believer in God I don't want anything evil trying to intrude into my life. I constantly pray throughout the day. If this is a gift I'm willing to adapt to it but like I said before this is only the first time it ever happen. So am I just over reacting or is this maybe something that's really true! I watch shows and documentaries about people who have had experiences with spirits. I just don't know if it's me! Am I to old to be experiencing these things because I thought things like this start while you are young. Other situations such as being in a relationship and if my mind suspects that he is talking to a particular person it always come true. You know that statement follow your mind well every single time this happens! Also in this dream I can remember saying I wanted to talk to a close friend of mine that died two years ago. Who I was also in love with. Just as I was about to ask for him I woke up. But the crazy thing is every time I woke up and fell back asleep I would fall back into the same dream and this happened maybe at least three times!
Many people will swear their way is the best way.
But if one listens and studies they will be enlightened to understand that abilities can be cultivated and there are many ways to open up to our
Own psychic ability and the spiritual world which we
Were not open as young children.
I too had dreams of deceased people saying things.
And this can be daunting, but profound because it comes too pass.
If your method has been pray. My response is to continue and you will keep opening up psyhically.
Good journey 😊