Although I've had experiences with small premonitions and minor spirit communication my whole life, I just fairly recently discovered that I have psychic abilities. Various spirits will communicate with me from time to time, but there is one specific one who keeps coming back. For the purposes of this submission I will call him Kacey.
I had several experiences when I was a kid that I think my have been Kacey-related, but he really started communicating with me about a year ago. It started with dreams. Some of them seemed extremely symbolic and metaphorical and had a lot of repeated imagery, such as ladders and windows. Others would be extremely realistic, as though I was watching different events in his life through his point of view.
I'm one of those people who doodles all the time and I started drawing Kacey and his friends a lot. Sometimes I would doodle something completely random, like a couch or something, and I would just know that it was somehow connected to Kacey.
Sometimes I would see something, like a lamp, or hear a song and suddenly Kacey would show me things in my head that somehow related to it. (For example, if a song came on the radio, he might show me a time when he was doing something while that same song was playing, or something that happened to him that related to the song's lyrics. If I picked up a little figurine or something, he might show me something that happened to him while he was holding a figurine or looking at one.)
There was even a time when I was sitting in class and my heart started racing and I just kept thinking that these two guys that Kacey was friends with needed to come and get me. I was even watching the door and I just kept thinking "Please come. Please. Hurry." This lasted about a minute or so and then it went away. I think it's important to say that I have never met these two guys in my life, so there would really be no reason for me to want them to burst into my classroom.
The last big experience I had with Kacey was another dream. It was different from the others because he was actually talking directly with me in it. Like, we were both sitting there, talking. The gist of it was that I wasn't supposed to be there, but he needed to see me to tell me to have a séance for him. I never actually had the séance (which I still kind of feel bad about), partially because I don't know anyone who would be open to doing it with me, and also because I'm scared to.
Kacey hasn't directly communicated with me in quite awhile, but I still feel his presence from time to time. I also get this feeling like me and him are somehow connected. Like we are somehow a part of each other. Is that possible? I mean, I know he was a living, breathing, person at one time because I know who he was and I've seen pictures and videos of him. But is it possible that the two of us are connected somehow? Because it really feels that way.
Thank you so much. That's very helpful. I will definately try meditating tonight.