So as I have mentioned in my other story I submitted, I was the one to tell everyone when my great grandmother was going to die. My only nightmare I have ever had was of my great grandmother and grandma disintegrate in front of me. I have never had any visits from my great grandmother until the other day. I was at my aunt's house cleaning and I felt like someone was watching me. The corner of my eyes I saw a shadow coming towards me. I turned around and it was my great grandmother. Keep in mind she was not cremated she was buried. What I saw didn't look like her. She was completely burned! She told me she had been wanting to speak with me for some time but then she just vanished. I was left feeling depressed and I just started crying. What does this mean?
The other day my grandma who is like my mother gave me her cross necklace its beautiful and I didn't take it off. Til I noticed I'm not having good energy follow me. I take it off and I feel fine. Put it on and I feel dark. My grandmother is indian, a "dreamer". She sees when things will happen to others in her dreams. Her father was Indian but brought up as a Pentecostal but her mother my great grandmother was full blooded Cherokee Indian and didn't worship Jesus (God). She believed in mother nature and so forth.
I have so many questions and I'm just finding I have been lied to about almost everything my whole life. I just found out my sperm donor wasn't just Indian but Mexican. His father was from Guatemala. I had to find all this out from a blood test because for some reason its been a huge secret from me!