About four years as I was waking up to my alarm clock yelling at me, I saw a black shadow of a woman in my bedroom door way. I was unable to see her face, (it was just all black) But clearly I saw an outline of a black bonnet that was tied, a black shawl, and a long black skirt that looked as if it touched the floor. As I was getting out of the bed it started to disappear. I asked it to wait, and what it was doing there, but it just continued to disappear.
Months went by not seeing the woman again, but I heard voices. Both men and women. Little girls crying, and people saying hello. Mainly this was happening when I was home alone. Or if I was with my girls at home but they were in other rooms. Nothing ever is heard or seen by my husband. One night my daughters ages 7 and 4 kept saying that they were scared and didn't want to sleep in their own room. They said something keeps waking them up but nothing more. Then It was every night, usually around the same time. I never said anything to the girls cause I didn't want them to get scared, because they didn't understand.
One day when only my 4 year old and I were home by ourselves she told me about a friend she played with. She woke her up to play, and she is very nice, shared the toys then she disappears into the kitchen wall. She described to me what she looks like and told me she said "Hi, and my daughter's name". I added that to the list of things I was trying to make sense of. It wasn't until my 7 year old told me she needed to talk to me about why she is scared when I put everything together. She told me she saw three girls in her doorway waving both her an my youngest to play. While they were sleeping. Which wakes them up every night. I asked her to describe what the girls looked like, and she told me exactly what my youngest told me. But I never told her about the conversation I had with my youngest daughter. Ever since the girls shared this information with me I always see shadows. Images of people and when I look again they are gone. I hear people trying to communicate with me. A couple of days ago I heard a woman say to me as I was watching tv, "I am here to talk to you. They are trying to tell you." After that I got really scared that was the first time I actually felt scared like that. I was wide awake, just getting home from work. After that I heard furniture moving around in my kitchen, and ran to wake my husband up.
I am wondering if I am a medium, and spirits are trying to communicate through me. I don't know why all of a sudden this is happening, but I want to help. How do you know if this is just a haunting or if they are clearly trying to communicate? Also why is it only me and my girls and never my husband. I am looking for the answers. Do you think I'm a medium?