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Guides, Demons, Aliens. What Are They?


I have been able to see and hear sprits, demons, ghosts, cross dimensional travelers, or whatever they are, since I was four. My problem begins with the day I met my first spirit guide-or who I have thought until now was my spirit guide.

I was thirteen and home from school very sick. I don't remember if I passed out or fell asleep, only that the next thing I remember is waking up in the middle of the night, like someone had snapped their fingers and demanded I open my eyes, and I wasn't sick any longer. Though I tried, I couldn't move; my body sat up on its own accord, and I found myself staring face to face with the most brilliant pair of vibrant green eyes of a Bengal tiger.

In the few seconds we stared at each other, I felt instinctively that the tiger was a "he", about my age but a little older, 15. He was as vivid as a real tiger in the zoo, yet "blurry" and "fuzzy" somehow, ghost like, like something half way in between two worlds, but not solidified on either side.

Then the tiger turned away and vanished. I fell back on my bed, like an invisible hand had released me. I think I fell asleep after a short while, then suddenly awoke later in the night just as I had the first time. I was on my back, arms against my sides and unable to move just like the time before. Partly of its own accord, my head turned to one side, then all my muscles froze entirely; sitting on the edge of my bed was a beautiful, doll like boy. He was small, not much if any taller then I was at the time, and I have always been small. I kept myself calm although I felt scared and something felt wrong, although that could have been because I couldn't move, a tiger had somehow teleported in and out of my room, and now there was a 15 or so old guy sitting on my bed. When I saw him then, and whenever I've seen him since, he has always been in white. That night, he was in white shorts and a white shirt that both seemed too big for him; the only thing he wore that wasn't white were his shoes, red converse or basketball shoes.

The boy was scared although he tried to hide it; he told me not to be afraid, that he wasn't going to hurt me, in a soft, quiet voice.

I asked him if he was the tiger, he said yes. I asked him if he was my guide too I think, and I think he said yes. We said a few other things to each other, I can't remember what they were.

Though as we said those things I don't remember, my sense of foreboding intensified; something had changed about the boy.

I think his eyes turned black and his smile malicious before he turned into-I vow, no matter how untruthful it sounds-what looked like a grey alien, but slim, about 5' 3" or 5' 2", insect looking, with an angular head, black robes and huge, huge, black eyes.

Its head snapped to the right in an unnatural motion, then to the left as it leaned closer. (I was unable to make a sound or to move, though I think I was too shocked and terrified to scream). Then just as suddenly as it had appeared, the grey alien thing vanished and was replaced again with the tiger boy, eyes bugging out and voice no longer mellow. He said something like "I'm sorry that wasn't me, I have to go, they know that I (or maybe "we're) hear."

Then I guess I fell asleep and I woke up the next morning. A year or two latter I learned of my other "guide", who oddly dresses all in black. I thought for so long that a demon had just intercepted my conversation with the tiger and that it was no fault of his, but deep down there has always been a part of me I think that doesn't believe these things are my guides or anything benevolent at all, and research I have done very recently leads me to believe this.

Please, help me to understand what the hell is going on.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Symbol-of-the-dragon, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Orion_Bixler (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-09-15)
it sounds like a shapeshifter... I have shared my own personal experience with aliens. In short I feel as though the alien I have been in encounter with has been more of a guide than something not to be trusted. Every time I encounter one in my dreams and even communicated with one telepathically it treated me as if I was special. They treated me with such a nurturing manner it totally confused me about aliens from there on out.
Lilylove1 (33 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-24)
I have seen them since I was 6. They are fallen angels, synonymous with demons. They are all evil and dangerous. They will try to tell you otherwise, but it is a lie. In the name of Jesus rebuke all spirits of inferiority and insecurity. Every time you see or hear them say, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, leave now all unclean spirits and never return." When I was young, they were not audible, only shadows that would separate from the darkness. They would be in the shape of people and animals. Paralysis came with them. By the time I was a teenager, they were audibly communicating. Always one was there to protect me, even from the others. It was a lie. They are not there to protect you, only to hurt. They told me awful things that had happened in the past, and about awful things that would happen in the future. An abortion my mother had and never told anyone except for my father about, I asked her and she broke down crying saying it was the truth. They said they would kill my husband, he had a terrible heart attack in front of our two sons. Jesus will free you from these. He did for me. They cannot have any power over you unless you allow. They have to leave upon our Lord Jesus' name! Read your Bible daily, it is your way out of their grasp.
amymarie (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-28)
Dear Russel,
I find it almost comical that you would use your efforts to be malicious on THIS site, when the internet is such a vast place for information of all kinds. Since you have chosen this community to tease and torment, I can't help but wonder if you are actually, truly interested in these folks' experiences and abilities. Pride and close mindedness are detrimental to you, as they would be for anyone. Please be careful, and mindful of your rash opinions, because ultimately, you seem bored with yourself. I hope your heart finds peace.
amymarie (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
When it stopped changing, it was tall, thin, and pearly white, with large black eyes. But it wasn't fearsome, just observing me observing it. It felt wise and knowing.
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
No, sorry... Wish I'd met a nice alien-thing too. 😳 Did it look like some kind of grey? I wonder what it is with shape shifters or what ever these things are appearing as people then turning into aliens?
amymarie (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
Has anyone had any experience with a tall, white, pearly type alien? When I first saw it (dreamstate), it was a boy dancing on a table, then it turned into an alien made of ferns, then the tall pearly being with big dark, but kind eyes. I felt no sense of foreboding when it was near me, anybody?
Agstorms (183 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-25)
[at] twentythree you should try astral projection, I'm pretty sure it's easy for indigos, I fit some of the characteristics for them so I know how you feel about the superity (I think that's the word) and such, but any way try astral projection:)
TwentyThree (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-25)
I just looked up indigo children...& I read every single diagnosis/characteristic of one, and I fit every single one, I finally understand myself& why I feel so, superior & all these unknown answers that I apparently already know. I am sososo amazed at this, I thank you for encouraging others to research this. I am so greatful I have found this. Like I said, I fit 17/17 of the attributes of them!
Any advice or knowledge someone could give me? I'd really appreciate it. If I recieve good feedback, I'll submit my story! Quite interesting. --btw I am only fifteen! Pleasepleaseplease, feedback would be greatly appreciated! ❤
Rain (4 stories) (191 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-25)
Spirit guides will always feel like they belong. If you don't feel comfortable around this tiger-boy, then I very much doubt he's your guide. Any outsider on this plane is just like any stranger. (speculating: if he was a dishonest spirit, maybe some of your protective spirits caught wind of him and that's who he was reffering to as he left quickly.) Truely though, it's hard to know other human's motive's let alone spirits.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-25)
Hi just poped in for a look to see what's happening.
I got a bit bored, see you soon.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-25)
This russel guy is really funny. He came out of nowhere and started a commotion here. When he said that the tiger will pass a message on you that only means its going to kill you. You can't expect a caged tiger to be peaceful when a human is present in its
[at] grant.You should stop behaving like a little child and obey the rules of this site. I am really sorry to say but you are making people uncomfortable and some must laughing at your attitude. Hope you understand and behave well.
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-24)
To Russle_F*****_Grant:

One, Invading a wild animal's personal space gets you killed. I'm not one of those pot-smoking idiots. Two, crawling into any enclosure in a zoo will get you arrested. Three, is your life so boring and your sense of self worth so poor that you feel the need to make fun of people?
If you don't believe what I've seen, at lest be strait forward and we can have an educated discussion; I have little time for people who act like temperamental two year olds. ❤
martha (5 stories) (89 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-24)
I feel sad for lost souls, may they see the light one day in their present/future spirit world that we all truely live in the beautiful bodies that are given to us for time being... GOD BLESS HUNGRY SOULS!
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-24)
OOOH. Looks like we got a badass here!

It is okay little troll. It looks like you got lost on your way to 4chan. You will be ok and I would provide you a link back but it is probably bookmarked and in your favorites on your computer. Just click on that star thingy you always see on your computer and it should be at the very top of your list of favorite sites. You can thank me later~


"There are no stupid questions, only stupid people."
sanles (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-23)
Always trust your instincts, guard your thoughts and learn all you can
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
It's okay! Aliens, what ever they are or what ever our opinions are we don't mean to offend eachother! 😆
Explosion123 (33 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
Ravenula [at] clue what you just said.
But I really don't care, so nevermind.
I'm not going to stop knowing that there aliens...
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
I am pretty sure they are both my guides, yes. Any one else have one guide dressed in white and one in black? So strange, it's like yin and yang...

I agree with you Shapeshifter; trying to find strait information on anything, especially odd things like aliens and what not is difficult... Part of that at least is cause it's all kind of theory... Too bad God can't just appear at, like, a united nations meeting and just tell us who's right and whose wrong about this stuff...

Then again, all the fun and worth would be taken out of life. Figuring things out the best you can on your own is important. 😊
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
I never heard of Star seed but a indigo child is someone that has a more showing purple aura that counts for spiritually and is the color of your eye chakra. They are supposed to be the warriors that will bring change and cut down any types of government and rules that are weak. After them is supposed to bring the crystal children then the Rainbow children. You can find more info by googling it.

And are you completely sure that they are your spirit/animal guides? If you believe they are take their help and advice. Remember that you have to believe in yourself too. Just because they are their does not mean that they are the controllers of your life or more powerful.

And I won't go far into this alien stuff. I do believe they might exist but most of the info is so mixed up from part of it being trolls trying to be funny or some actual crazy people. It is too hard trying to figure out what is fact or fiction over the internet. I do believe that some cases are demond taking the shapes of a persons worst fears or disorderly shapes to strike fear. If it is demons it is to try to feed off your fear and negative energy.
RSterc (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
I too have faced the different beings. I too have my Spirit Guide, the Raven --- only shows up to show me of impending danger/challenges. I have had the greys take DNA samples from both my husband and I. Electrocute me in the most painful way... Freeze me so I was unable to help myself, at least until I was able to think Jesus help me, and then they seem to just have to cut loose. I've woken to cuts and scrapes and kitten like scratches. I feel they are automated by something else, since do not appear to have any emotions. Like robotic scientists. My son is a shape shifter -- which means he is a guide in yet another dimension. He can jump inside of animals to assist others. So I imagine that your guide is also a shape shifter using the tiger to communicate or protect you from something else. I've been dealing with all of this from the age of 9 to 51. Just my thoughts, hope it helps.
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
Thank you. My family is very spiritual (buhddist and christian) but more in a religious way I think... I know there isn't anyone in my living family that is like me, and I've never been told that any dead relatives are ether.
I've read that the greys (if they exist at all) are robots that were built by races like the reptilians so that they can oppererate in our realm, which makes sense with how the one I saw moved.

What are star seeds and indigo children? Are they like formless rainbow ghosts? 😕
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
Dragon I am sorry if I scared you, but read the other comments too and take it to heart because I believe it is safe to say now that you should rather concentrate on the tiger whenever those grey creatures want to initiate contact. Imagine yourself protected by bright light around you, and call on the Angels to shield you from seeing that freaks.
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
Explosive, the greys are the ones that make the bombs, ammunition and all the explosive stuff to murder, they have the blue prints, they are the original creators of it and they teach the reptilians "how to make it" based on their design patterns... Reptilians have no initiate in that department. Any being that kills without remorse has no soul and is fallen! 🤔 😉
Explosion123 (33 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
Grey aliens are not "fallen". There just mean Aliens.
Just be glad it wasn't a reptillian. They're even eviler.
Or, it was a demon/ghost disguised as an alien.
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
Stay away from Grey aliens, they are the meanest and most evil of all the fallen angels... Stick to the elementals, like wolves and tigers... At least they don't try to rule the world by brainwashing people and teaching them how to manifacture and use guns to kill other people who threaten their "materialistic dominion"... They are the negative energies that seek to destroy nature and God's creation with its materialistic and technical ways. Threatening kill all that elementals Love, their Homes and people.

Greys are said to be the same as reptilians... They like control and power, and they use it to exploit innocent people... They are the Father of the Lie, and its children. It is said that greys are even more emotionless and apathetic then reptilians... Reptilians still have some sense of care for "family" and have passions inside of them even if they are destructive, at least they still have some "passion" left... Just more for the bad than the good. These grey aliens, have no passion whatsoever, they just exist, totally dead within... And they seek to bring that same "deadness" to wherever they go... Extremely duff of mind and soul... They really have no "feelings" whatsoever only destructive mechanical purposes... Yes they have "great" minds to create stuff, but what they create is only lethal stuff because they only create things that could inflict Death, because they have no heart... But a true great mind is only as great as its heart, which that things lack!

Your wolf and tiger have Hearts, and feelings... Emotion which greys cannot understand, nor like to see in humanoids they deem "inferior" as slaves to them and the reptilians... Funny the reptiles are slaves to the grey too... They would like to have no feelings, so that they could kill easier for power. It is odd to see snakes get affected by the destruction they do inflict, even so one that seeks to justify its actions... Since to greys there is no need to apologize, they just do it. Snakes want to experience and feel everything, good and bad... But greys don't feel at all.

Just be careful when doing research on starseeds, some of them say ALL ALIENS ARE GOOD and here to SAVE THE WORLD, that however is incorrect because some of them do act like demons wanting to destroy all the Soul and Spirit left in this world found in nature still!
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
How old are you? It is interesting to see so many teenagers speaking about these things, how they are so spiritual from a young age. Is your family spiritual too? My family isn't spiritual, very Christian, so there were no visions for me at that stage, yet I heard I had an imaginary friend when I was three to four years old called "Gigi" and I can't remember her, all I know is her name means "Earth worker".

Okay as for the alien and guide, well I said your Guide COULD transform into something else (the alien) to teach you something, but it also couldn't have been your guide but something else... But no doubt the boy and the tiger are one in the same with a benevolent energy to it. I once saw a shadow figure sitting on my bed, and its energy felt very different than that of my Guardian Angel's energy. It didn't speak or anything, it just sat there for a while and then disappeared... And I have seen other shadows on my ceiling... And recently a cat spirit turned into a woman, it did scare me seeing that I have never seen an animal guide come up close and appear like that before.

Maybe he said "I got to go, they know we are here" in the sense "they know we are here to protect you, and they will do anything to try and make you fear us and believe them instead, or they will try and demonize us for you to forget your true spiritual purpose, and I got to go and fight them off for a little bit, be back soon." 😊

LOL I don't like grey aliens or any reptilian connotations since they are a very "low" on the consciousness scale level, they don't believe in spiritual growth nor in the beauty of the soul, they like a machanical mindset and love to make mindless slaves of people... As in easily controllable zombies, now I don't have to look far or beyond some veil to the spirit world to see such creatures already possessing humans, indulging in all sorts of violence and spiritual detriment... There are evil forces at work trying to take us off our true spiritual path... That I cannot argue with. Why would images appear of "aliens"? Could be a message... I believe there are good and bad aliens... And that our human race is an alien race on its own, to other galaxies we are aliens too hehehe 😁 Have you researched starseeds or indigo children yet?
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
does any one know a good way to apologize to you guides? I was almost convinced that my tiger and wolf had been horrible things pretending to be guides. Obviously I was really upset and kind of freaked out so I told them to go away and never return unless they could prove to me they were my guides and then I had a dream about having a conversation with a grey alien... It was very real, so I'm sure it wasn't "just a dream". 😕
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
Thank you, this helps. So your saying that because I was afraid, I suddenly perceived him as something horrible? I think that these are all things that could have happened, but I am more assured now that the alien and my tiger aren't the same... I guess I'd really like to know who "they" are when he told me he had to leave. 😕
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
The tiger and the alien could be the same thing, since Guides and Guardians can shape shift into scary looking things to teach you a lesson, to overcome your fears of the unknown... They can't hurt you nor can they help you if you hurt yourself with your fears. Your fears would only make you see the bad, having no faith in the good.

A little secret: the Guide's thoughts can manifest itself in such apparitions, which is not apparitions at all, but only the guide's thoughts (and fears of you not believing, making them out to be scary things)... The tiger's thoughts in your head... If you thus demonize the tiger, it would feel unhappy and "scared" as the boy you said, and it will feel shunned as you shut it out due to your fears.

Also the "boy" could be a protector shape shifting in a more suitable "shape" that would be welcomed by you, as you are a child too, that is how it would communicate for you not to feel alone... You wouldn't have liked it if an old man appeared... Or would you? That boy could be an old man in disguise... "Angel in disguise". 😊 ❤

Also if you would rather have an old man appeared to feel safe with a overseeing father figure, then maybe your fears are making the Guardian feel small like a boy, powerless over you... Yet again a case of the guide's thoughts projected unto your mind.

Trust in the good... And you'll see that when there are things around you that want to help, you can only be your own worse enemy if you don't see and believe in the Light in all. 😐
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
Thank you, but why do you think this shape shifter has "glued" it's self to me?

Also, my tiger never left me, I have seen him, and my wolf, many times since. I hope they really are my guides and not demons or something trying to screw with me for what ever reason.

Ether way, why would they focus so much attention on me?

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