My close friend (let's call him 'Joe') and I were once staying over his house. Joe and I had never slept over at his house or mine before, but we were with one other friend. We were watching a movie, and I kept pointing out what he was saying, and at this point we had been fighting over a chair in the living room and ended up sharing it, pushed up against each other. Later, I ended up googling it and decided to try and send him an image, we did and he got it correct he also tried it on me and I got it correct. That was only the beginning. We now can feel each other's pain (and sometimes even just sense of touch in general), we can feel each other's emotions, taste what the other tastes, and my vision is very poor whereas his is good yet sometimes he sees through my eyes. We have both be learning to control it more, especially with pain since the pain is usually felt and then a feeling as if electricity was slowly making its way from the center of us to the spot that was hurt. That lasts a while.
When we try to do something mentally to each other, we feel like we're floating in nothing like we're underwater but we don't need air. Also I think we can control people. We can will to a person with our minds-either of us-to move a certain way, and they will. We can even freeze them in place. As long as they're unsuspecting. That bit may indeed be the hardest to believe, but Joe and I believe it and that may be an important detail to someone.
We're not very alike, he's a guy I'm a girl, but we do share the same passion for art and we have been friends for 3 years.
Okay, so do you think this is really something? Could you possibly help to explain, since we aren't 'best' friends even? Do you think Joe and I should stop and just try to totally break to connection?