So this may sound strange first off let me say I'm new to this site and actually have nothing to do with Wicca or any kind of stuff like that but I'm not above asking those who deal with this stuff for their thoughts. Well years ago I started to have dreams that always picked up where they left off I always wake up in a field that borders a cliff I'm sitting leaning against a tree with a long blade of grass or wheat in my mouth. When I looked down from the cliff there was a beautiful city I help protect. The time period is nothing like it is now it was much like the past with everyone having swords and stuff yet was almost futuristic with the clothes if that makes any since. I realize this may just sound like a normal dream but it happening for years? And I remember it when I wake up if I don't have that dream I can hardly remember my dream but with that place I remember it all. It isn't the same thing all the time too, I always wake up there the same but the events change its like a new day there every time I wake up there. And the icing on the cake the other night I had a dream very similar but I woke up somewhere different yet I felt I'd been there before someone attacked me and when I woke up I had a long scratch across my thy not overly thick but not small like a fingernail yet very long about 7 inches, it hurt a lot also. So what do ya'll think is it nothing more than an over active imagination or what?
A few extra details. I've tried to create characters for this place cause I might as well if I'm going to keep having these dreams but they don't stick. I tried to make a girl I consecrated hard before I went to bed and when I'd slip into the dream she'd be gone so I don't have too much control over it.
Also the city borders the ocean bellow the cliff and has a giant front gate. Hordes of barbarians have tried to get in but never can. The place almost seems magical.
It's my own dream and I'm still conflicted on if it just my imagination but why do I keep having it? I'm 21 and it started when I was around 16.
Please let me know what ya'll think