I've been in love with a man for around 2 and 1/2 years. I've asked for signs to tell me if we should be together, at many points during our relationship. I get them mostly on my phone, guessing that is because I'm attached to it like it's part of my body. His picture would pop up on files that actually had something to do with him, didn't put the picture on there. My phone would mysteriously dial him as it was sitting on my table, old txt messages from him that were erased came back. I got my phone number changed, and the last four digits are only 1 number off from his last four digits, and I never asked for that. There are many things that are even stranger, I could go on forever with all the numerous odd things that have happened.
We broke up a couple weeks ago, I did something stupid, he refuses to talk it out, so I was confused what to do. The movie I had on the tv was endings, so I pulled the guide up and a specific movie that is one of his favorites, a movie in Spanish, that I have never once seen on tv before, it was coming on the channel I was already watching next! He's younger than me, I keep thinking it isn't going to work, so why do these signs always pop up? I can't understand it.
I've also had experiences which I knew things going on with him that I shouldn't have known. I've seen us connected by a a cord at the mid belly, I don't know what that means either. Can anyone help me figure out why I get these signs even though I feel it is doomed? Why are we connected?
Thank you.