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About My Coincidences


Please take time to read this, it's bothering me and I wondered if anyone else has had this happen to them.

This has been happening for years now, I don't recognize it at the time and can't control it, but I get these 'hunches' and they are often true. Also, a word or image often pops into my head that turns out to be relevant later on. I also get 'feelings' about things. Like if something has happened. I'll give some examples.

One day, I felt so down and gloomy, and I had this 'hunch' that something bad had happened to someone in my family. I really felt it and it was strange because it wouldn't go away.

Later on I found out that my cousin had been severely injured in a car crash at approximately 2pm that day. The weird thing is that I had an appointment with my doctor around that time, and we were generally chatting and I said "I don't like walking home from college that way (where the car had coincidentally crashed) because there's a lot of car crashes there".

Another time, I came back from my friends house. When I was outside the door my conscience said 'There's something wrong with my mum. Surely enough, I walked in and she was crying.

I recall getting the word 'haberdashery' stuck in my head for no reason. It was weird. Then about an hour later my friends were talking about haberdashery and I was quite freaked out. (this has happened on quite a few occasions).

Sometimes I just guess things and they turn out to be true. I sometimes guess what someone is going to say when they come into the room, and they say the exact thing. I also always know exactly how people are feeling and if something is wrong with them. I've talked to people before and they've more than once been shocked because I seem to know more about them than I do. It's strange, I can read people like books.

These things have happened way too many times, is it just many coincidences or something else? Who knows, but it's kind of cool I suppose.


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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aquaricorn, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

JasmineS (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
I do the same thing and have the same feelings as you... It also runs in my family, its also pretty cool though. You can do a lot of things with that ability.
AshStar31 (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
It Runs In My Family If You Are Left Handed, And I Am Left Handed, Most Of The Women Are Left Hande In My Family! ❤
AshStar31 (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
Speaking Of Guess The Number That Happens Alot When I Was Young We Played That Game And It Was 1-1000 But You Asked Questions The First Person Asked Is It Over 500 And She Sed Yes, Then I Got A Feeling That It Was 813 And It Was So I Obviosly Told Her That And Everyone Was Staring At Me In Shock! ❤
As For Aquaricorn ❤ When Is Your Birthday? Is It The 19 Of January? Or Something, It Annoys Me... The Cusp Thing Because One Time I Was Gonna Get A Libra Ornament But She Is Cusped With The Scorpio! ❤
truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
[AmIPsychic] Earlier this week I saw you most recent comment on this post in a vision. On another note I just realised the importance of numbers, If I realised it last year people would have been freaked out at my school. We were playing the classic guess the number when nobody could guess it I had a hunch that it was 7 and it was, they were already freaked out because it was between one and 100. The next number I had a hunch it was 2 but I went against my gut. The number was 2. More recently I've been able to tell random peoples thoughts accurately.
AmIPhyschic (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-20)
Im not saying that us who can see the future are any better than other physchics because I think of all us physchics in a way as a big massive family all connected by a single bond which holds us above others who do not have our abilitiy. However we may be physchics but were not gods among mortals, we are all normal human beings and we do normal everyday activities, in a way we just have an advantage in life.
AmIPhyschic (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-20)
midknight your not the only one with the rare ability to see the future, I see it in my dreams and when I'm awake. Its A Hard skill to learn but trust me it will all come to you and you can control well not control but you can find it easier to remember your dreams and then be able to tell if something good is going to happen or if something bad will happen. Trust me though everything is fine so don't be scared just in a way embrace it. We Should be Happy for such a gift. I get this atleast 2 to 4 times a week. For more information on seeing the future go to the Articles Page and go to Seeing the Future.
midknight (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-20)
hi my name is chris I'm 22 now but this started around 14-15 not really sure where to post this but basicly every few months could be 2 could be 8 I will have a dream and then at what seems like random like months later I will realize hey this has happened before and it hits me like a ton of bricks like holy crap I saw this in a dream id like answers if there is anyone out there with them is it psychic or am I nuts? Kind of scared
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-20)
I couldn't have said it better AshStar31. It's nothing coincidental. And as Confused-kid said, "nothing to be afraid of."
aquaricorn (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-20)
Thanks guys (: I know what clairvoyance is, this kind of thing runs in the family, too.
AshStar- I'm exactly on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius, but I have mostly Capricorn traits.
confused-kid (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
Yes, clairvoyants is probably the answer to that, Its a very interesting ability once you get used to it. I experience the same kind of things you do everyday, and I'm only 13. I get it in a lot of familiar places, like the bus I take to school everyday, my home, my sisters place and defiantly school. I hope all is well, and this ability is nothing to be afraid of 🤔
AshStar31 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
Are You An Aquarius Or Capricorn Or Are You Abit Of Both? Because Capricorns Are More Observant For Things Like That, I Am A Capricorn.
AshStar31 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
I Am 13 And I Think Yo Should Go On To Google And Type In "Clarvoyant" Which Is If You Recieve Information For No Reason, I Get It To Alot, When I Had A Cat And I Was At School Daydreaming And Then I Felt Something Was Wrong With My Cat And She Ran Away But For Some Reason I Knew Where To Look!
You Might Be Clarvoyant, If You Can Tell Someone You Have Never Seen Before's Personality Or Can Tell If An Animal Is Angry Then You Probably Are Bu If You Type "Clarvoyant" In The Search Engine It Should Help... Well I Hope It Does! ❤

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