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Real Psychic Experiences

What Do These Three Occurrences Mean?


My name is Savannah. I turned 14 six months ago. Three things have happened that lead me to believe I might be psychic.

1. In the last two months I've been hearing a ringing in my ears. It happens at least once a week and a lot less now. Right before it happens everything gets quiet. And then the ringing starts. It's mostly in my right ear and lasts about 20 to 30 seconds. Whenever I ask if anybody else hears it they don't know what I'm talking about.

2. Yesterday my aunt was going to come over to help me with math and before she came I took a shower. When I got out I started hearing whispers. I couldn't tell what was being spoken, so I stopped moving. When I did it got completely silent, but as soon as I started moving again it started. This happened about five times. When I went into the living room my mom was the only one there and she wasn't talking on the phone or anything. This sometimes happens with whispers but not very often at all. I'm not sure if this means I have psychic abilities or if I'm just hearing things.

3. I get a lot of gut feelings about things and people. Usually I get bad vibes from people that are mean or do bad things. After I get these feelings I can't stand to even look at them or hear their voice and it annoys me so bad I have to leave the room. It happened to me a lot in high school, I just knew people were going to pick on me or be rude and hateful before they even did it. It got so bad my mom had to take me out of high school and put me in online school.

I also get these feelings in certain places. We are planning on moving soon and have been looking at houses lately. When we go in certain houses I get bad feelings that I can't explain. It usually happens in old houses. I get a creepy feeling and want to leave.

Please tell me your opinions and help me figure out what's going on.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, White-Wolf13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
[mamanymena] Just because you feel that it's negative doesn't mean it always is. With energy it can't be negative, only the intent behind it. A spirit could be in distress or it could be angry and it still might give a negative feeling.
AshStar31 (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
For The Ringing In Your Ear Thing I Get The Exact Same Thing And I Went To The Doctors And They Said I Had Tinnitus! ❤
About The Other Things Though I Do Get Bad Vibes But I Just Put Up With People I Have Been Liek This Since I Was Young! ❤
j-torrez (3 stories) (53 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-29)
I believe your powers are barely coming to you. It seems as if you barely got them or you finally chose you accept them to a certain level. You still have a long way to go and many challenges to face. I believe that life thought things at one which might be tough but nothing one can't face. I truly believe you will be alright just calm down and breath a little. 😉
White-Wolf13 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
Thank you all. I really needed help with this and hopefully it'll work out.
Becky666 (124 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
If you wish to develop your abilities you should meditate regularly
Geo1990 (39 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
yup, contact your spirit guide, or angel (you can call archangel Michael for protection, Raphael for healing, Gabriel for a clear messaging, and Uriel for lighting the path) cover yourself in white light, don't show fear, be absolutely confident.

You can do it!
mamanymena (20 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
whoa-- why do you need to "contact the spirit"? Especially one you feel might be negative?

I think you should first work on clearing your house, like Geo suggested, then see if you can "get" the messages sent to you, before you use any devices.

Good luck and stay safe*),
White-Wolf13 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
Should I take any precautionary measures before contacting the spirit? Sorry, I don't know very much about this.
Geo1990 (39 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
if it was a good spirit I don't think you would feel edgy, you can try seeing what it wants by meditation, or just get rid of it all together. If you use tarot or oracle cards you can use those as a medium as well (I personally use my pendulum to interact with spirits)

Good luck to you
White-Wolf13 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
The whispers make me feel confused and a little on edge. Like someone is trying to talk to me and I can't understand them. Also, thanks for the tips about cleansing the houses.
Geo1990 (39 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
cool! Thanks for sharing, this sounds all to familiar to me!

So, the ringing in the ears? When I hear ringing, I know it is my angel, it can be yours, or it can be a spirit guide, the ringing in the ears means you are tuning in to higher frequencies.

The whispers in the ear? How did they make you feel? Relaxed? Scared? Maybe something is trying to communicate with you, I don't think you are hearing things. One day when you can, sit down, close your eyes and just be don't think, you might find your answer

The third comment, you are an Empath, this means you can feel things from other people, you pick up on their energy levels, this is very interesting. Just two days ago I was on a bus and when a woman walked on the bus, my stomach started hurting, but when I got off the bus it got better!

As for the house, you can walk around the house, and pray, or mentally cover it with white pure light, or use holy water to cleanse it, or sage. If you are going to cleanse the home, do not be scared to do it, being scared leaves openings and ou need to have 150% confidence in yourself.

Dont be scared, it is normal, and it is good that you have these abilities!

You can e-mail me if you wish psychicgeorge [at]
mamanymena (20 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
Well, you sound like you're getting some very strong messages. An old teacher of mine told me the ringing in the ears was angels carrying messages:) I'm not such a good listener, although I still hear things, I just can't quite make them out, so I took up reading cards in order to interpret the messages. I wouldn't recommend reading cards unless your parents are supportive; I learned that the hard way! You can always ask that the messages be "made more clear" and see if you can make it out better. If that doesn't work, you can try this trick: Pick a book off of a shelf, whichever feels "right", and ask if you can be shown the message. Close your eyes, hold the book out in your hands, and let it fall open, and drop your finger where ever feels best (without looking). I usually feel a magnetic type of pulling, or a heat that directs me.

About the houses, keep in mind that ANY house can be cleansed, but trust your guts as to which ones NEED it the most, because you're most likely right, and cleansings can take a lot of time Or money to get it done right.

Good luck!


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