I have been haunted by a hooded figure for many years. He stands at the side of my bed. Gets me in my sleep and affects my dreams.
Just recently I have had this recurring dream about him. It starts as I go to bed.
In this dream or nightmare I get into bed and a beautiful Labrador dog that loves me obviously climbs into bed with me. All is well until the wardrobe shakes and the atmosphere changes. The dog looks up at me with sadness in his eyes. The wardrobe door opens and the dog slowly walks in. The door closes behind and the wardrobe shakes violently and the dog starts to scream. I shout let go of him you bastard! Then I awake and the wardrobe door swings open and a black hooded shape comes out with a large wooden cross in his hands and swings it up in the air and tries to hit me with it, I hide under the bed clothes and wait for the whack but it doesn't come and he walks back into the wardrobe.
The hooded shape scares the hell out of me and I get up in the morning feeling really ill and drained as if I haven't slept. I ache like mad and feel really down, I don't know what to do, it is affecting my relationship and everything.
I have seen this hooded figure since I was a child and he has attacked me on so many occasions and at one point ran clean through me. It felt like being hit in the chest and then as he passes through it feels like being sucked out the back by a vacuum. I started being uncontrollably sick in the toilet and felt rough for days. This has been a constant attack on me for years. He stops me sleeping and sometimes functioning normally on a day to day basis, has anybody else had a similar experience to me or am I all alone, do I have to tolerate these attacks for the rest of my life, I hope not.
Well said. And thank you again. Let us all continue to help all others who seek answers. Everyone is wished a Happy Weekend!