About a month ago around October 22, I was performing a spell with a sigil I had made, a silver candle, and rain incense. All modern technology I had was turned off. The sigil I made was created using Latin and the Avern alphabet. I could feel all the energy around me and could see it once I had turned the lights on.
When the spell was done, I blew out the candle and turned on the light. As I walked out the door, I saw standing in my closet was a being with the head of a white goat, red and black eyes (like that doll from saw) and long black robes that looked like they were made from the darkness. I wasn't scared, being psychic this was not the first being I had seen, but it was my first demon.
It felt like a male energy at first, but now it feels more female. I think she/he can take on whatever gender she/he feels makes me comfortable. After that, I have felt her/his energy with me every where I go and I have been the happiest I've ever been.
A few days after the first time I saw her/him, I decided to talk to her/him. When I was sitting in my car in a parking lot, I relaxed and asked her/him several questions aloud. I was shocked at how quickly she/he replied. She/he answered almost all my questions instantly. I recorded the conversation and I know her/his name, but she/he doesn't want me to share that information.
What she/he will let me tell you is Roiw is the name she/he gave me. I have no idea what it means or why she/he has chosen that specific name, but I like it and I think it sounds cool. I don't know how we have interacted in my past life, but I know she/he is my guardian demon.
About the only thing I don't know how to find out is what her/his sigil is. I know for a fact she/he isn't goetic, so it's probably going to be a pain in the ass. I have had two ideas on how to find out, though. One, see if she/he can show me telepathically, or two, try automatic writing, but with drawing.
What do you guys think? How should I get the sigil? Is it possible the sigil I made that night is her/his sigil?