I just recently bought a piano because listening to piano covers I felt that I wanted to learn how to play.
I've been playing chords and scales and the basic beginner songs like... Twinkle twinkle.
Today I felt like practicing some more so I sat at the piano and started to play some chords. I was trying to remember them and my hands were laying on the keys while I thought about the keys I needed to hit to play a determined chord. All of a sudden my hands start moving. Alone. They started playing Gary Jules "Mad World". I had no idea what I was doing. I don't even know how to play left hand! It wasn't me playing that's for sure! I freaked out, obviously, and had to make a great effort to pull my hands out of the keyboard. When I managed to pull them away I rested them on my lap and still I felt like I had something trying to put them back on the keys. I just got up and walked away from the piano. I really got scared.
Today I'm feeling slightly dizzy and my head feels really heavy. My head is ringing too (not all the time) and I woke up with really sore and tingling arms, wrists and hands (both left and right) when I did nothing to make them hurt... The dizziness and the ringing really got worse for a few seconds when I got up and moved away from the piano.
Also, I don't know if it's related so it may sound random, but lately when I'm eating my forks bend on their own...
Anyone got any ideas on how to make this stop? I'm not even daring to look at the piano anymore. I'm a bit freaked out so any help is good.