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My Mind Keeps Racing On Everything Around Me


I guess I have had abilities all my life. Did not really pay attention to things as far as abilities go. When I was young I saw a man with a hoody walk in my hallway into my sister's room. That was the first time I ever saw anything (spirits). I did not think much of it at the time, I was around 10 or 12 years old. Now for the past year, I am now 29, I have been getting a lot of things from people. I can hear their thoughts, see what they have done, what they are going to do, and recently a diseased 14 year old girl has been talking to me.

I do not get images and feelings all the time. They come and go but it is every day. I do not want to know what people think or what they have done, I really do not care to but I feel I have no choice. When it comes to this 14 year old, she first came to me as a voice asking if I could hear her. I just ignored it. Then she came to me in a dream. I started listening at that point. She acts just like a little girl, no offense to her but she gets kind of annoying sometime. I have tried to ignore everything but when I try to shut it off I get really bad headaches and at times, my eyes feel like they are going to burst and I start having nose bleeds. So now I just do not fight it.

I do not know why this little girl keeps talking to me. I do not know what she wants. It seems she is just bored and wants to occupy herself. My wife has been very supportive through all of this. She understands and tries her best to help me. I guess I just need help with finding what to do. It seems more like a curse than anything. I cannot seem to concentrate on anything because my mind keeps racing on everything around me. If anyone has any advice or any questions please please feel free to give or ask.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, willsounds, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

shellmar (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-28)
Hello...within the last 7 months our lives have been affected by spirits in our home and my son has developed the ability to communicate with spirits. Our story is so incredible that I can write a book. It would take too long to tell our story but my son is so overwhelmed now with spirits trying to communicate with him all day long. He is a college student and is having difficulties concentrating on his studies. He knows 2 spirits are the children connected to our home and they are telling him they are afraid of another spirit in our home... With good reason. He tries to tell them to cross over go to heaven but they will not. The others are random spirits who come to him for help... They tend to be victims of horrible crimes.
He would really like to be able to block these spirits out and we would greatly appreciate any advice on how others may be able to successfully do this. Thank you.
chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
willsounds, the first thing I will say is that you need to know your the one who controls all of this, its the first thing I got told, spirit is just about like a guest in this world, try not to treat them any different to any other person who is still alive, as all they are is energy, and the diference is we are energy in a physical body, 9 times out of 10 they are no different to us. Spirit will be persistant if they can see a way of comunicating with you, if they see that you are open to hearing them they will try anyway possible to get your attention. They will get annoyed with you but if you don't want to talk to them its as easy as saying to them I don't want to talk, but Its then up to you to be in control, and by control I mean, having the confidence to not fear whos around you and realising that they can't harm you that this is your world and if you choose not to speak to them you don't have to. I know I make it sound easy and I know that its not easy to ignore them as having the feeling that you are constantly being watched or followed by something that you can't see close to you can freak most people out. I think we don't realise how many spirits are constantly around us at home at work, at school, where ever we are they are there. But most peolpe are unaware of them. It does take time to learn to be in control of your own situation but it will happen. But I will also say to be able to comunicate with spirit is a great gift to have, You say in your title, Why me? I say to you Why not?. I used to think exactly the same and think "how am I going to get through the day all these voices in my head, I think I'm going nuts, will it ever end?" but its more about you learning how to live with these gifts and working out how to use them and for what purpose. Now I hope this helps, Any more info you need you can find my email address on my page

Also Xbrokenx I know what your talking about and how much it can scare the crap out of you, send me an email and I'm happy to help out
xbrokenx (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Chicken1, if you have read my experience (normal behaviour?) then you will know what I'm talking about when I say I need help. If you can tell me how to ignore the spirits I would be very grateful, as have tried many times and have mostly failed.

Thanks 😁
willsounds (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-01)
Chicken1, how did you learn to ingore the spirit? I try but it seems it annoys them and they become more persistant and annoying. It is mainly the little girl that bothers me. I try to see what she wants but it is like she is playing a game with me. She gives me just bits and pieces of things, if that makes since. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Have you tried asking the girl what she wants? This would be the first thing id do if I was you, If she doesn't give you an answer just tell her that if she has nothing to tell you then tell her to go away, some times they just want someone to talk to that can hear them. Also I have had to learn to pretty much ignore spirit all day as theyll talk all day if you let them, If you need to give me an email and I'm more than happy to help. If you read my story youl see what I had to go through to begin with

Hope this helps, chicken1
chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Have you tried asking the girl what she wants? This would be the first thing id do if I was you, If she doesn't give you an answer just tell her that if she has nothing to tell you then tell her to go away, some times they just want someone to talk to that can hear them. Also I have had to learn to pretty much ignore spirit all day as theyll talk all day if you let them, If you need to give me an email and I'm more than happy to help. If you read my story youl see what I had to go through to begin with

Hope this helps, chicken1
the_k (38 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
meditation, seems to help, but it requires concentration. Also martial arts because it requires great discipline

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