My entire life I have loved animals and love to be around them I currently am not able to own any pets because of allergies but many of my friends and neighbors have animals that I constantly see. As of late when I see my friends dogs they come up to me and lay down. All the owners say it is really strange and the pet never does that for them. Today a large dog that I met one other time came up to me and lied down, rolled on its back and just looked at me. The funny thing is these animals all get a strange kind of calmness in their eyes. Sometimes I feel bad because their owners get jealous of how their dogs/cats behave around me. I was wondering if this happens to anyone else?
Also, around 15 years ago I saw a psychic and she said that I had some connection with animals and would be good at working with them. At the time I didn't notice it but as of late this is happening with almost all animals around me. I also have had wild rabbits and birds come close to me as if they were tame. It's quite odd and I'm starting to think the psychic I saw hit on something. I never try to command the animals or even think of doing that. My family has started calling me Saint Francis because they notice it happening too. This is all in good fun too. Needless to say I find this all a little strange and well it is nice that the animals do it I just wondered if anyone else has these types of things happen with them. If I am communicating with animals I am not aware of it. Does anyone think you can communicate with them telepathically? I don't really see a need to do this but it would be helpful to keep the bunnies out of my garden.:) Thanks for your comments.