One night, when I was about six years old, I was sitting alone on the railing of the deck in our backyard, staring into the coyote-infested woods that bordered the yard. Suddenly, two pale yellow, glowing eyes appeared among the trees. Then, the creature stepped out into the light coming from our neighbor's house. It had black fur. I immediately knew it wasn't a coyote, since they cannot have black fur or yellow eyes. Also, it was much bigger. But there was something strange about this wolflike animal. Its fur was transparent, like a ghost.
A few years later, (when I was ten) I was lying on my bed in our new house, thinking about the name of this ghostly wolf. When suddenly, I thought, Phantom. A chill went down my spine, even though it was only October and I was shrouded with blankets. Its name remains Phantom to this day.
As I get older, it keeps appearing to me in dreams. Sometimes I look out into the night, searching for my mysterious wolf. This experience has impacted me in the physical world, too. Dogs always seem to obey me, they just have this look in their eyes that I can't get out of my head. I can howl, bark, yelp, and growl so realistically that people hearing me often have a scared look on their face.
I have taken spirit animal quizzes online, and the result is always wolf. In third grade, when I went to a wolf sanctuary for a science project, the wolves would... Stare into my eyes. Whoever said that the eyes are windows to the soul, I congratulate you on spreading that to the public and agree with all of my heart.