Since I could remember, I have been having very vivid dreams. The colors are so bright and the places and people seem so real. Sometimes I see myself in the dreams or other times I see through my eyes. I love how vivid they are and how real they are but sometimes they scare me because of this same reason.
I had one dream where I was being stabbed and when I woke up I had cuts all down my arms. Now, yes, I could have did this to myself but I have had many dreams like this, or dreams where I am dying, or I am in great pain. The feeling in my chest or body is so bad that I wake up, however the pain is sill there for a few moments. I have also had dreams where I have been pregnant or I have just had a kid and I can feel every bit of overwhelming love. I can feel their little bodies and their warmth and when I wake up, I feel so empty because they aren't there.
I started writing down my dreams and found out that I have a few dreams that tell me things. Since I can remember, I have always dreamed about tornadoes. I used to have a dream over and over again where I would go in a empty house that would lift off the ground and spin and I would be stuck to the floor. I would turn my head and out of every window I could see tornadoes in bright colors. I had this dream often about once a week.
Than the dream changed to where I would see different sizes or I would be at a different place or I would be running from them. I started to write down my dreams so that I could remember them, which I don't have problem with but some little details I find I have dreamed before. I found out from writing a diary and a dream book that three days after a tornadoes dream, what ever I dreamed about would happen. It has happened four times now and now my dreams have changed again.
The last dream I had the tornado was the biggest I had ever seen and I said the size in my dream. I said it is an F5. I have never said anything like this before and now I am wondering what it means. It took longer this time for the dream to come true, a few weeks, so I am wondering if that is the reason for me saying the size, but I won't know until I have another dream.
I also had a weird dream where I was being attacked by an evil demon. When he talked ,he was screaming in a high pitch scream that I couldn't make out, and the wind from his scream made me not able to breath. He held me down by digging his long finger nails into my rib cage. It hurt so bad in my dream and when I woke up, my rib cage hurt like crazy and it took me a moment to catch my breath because I was breathing so hard. That dream really frightened me because of the dream itself, but also because I got the same feeling after the demon dream that I get after my tornado dreams, the feeling that there is a meaning behind the dream.
A few nights later I woke to someone yelling but I couldn't make out what he said because it was only a few words. I am confused by all of this and would like to figure it out or look more into it but don't know how. Should I look more into this? What do you think.