My name is John and I'm writing about a psychic experience involving my partner sharon, who is an avid tarot card reader and clairvoyant. I am a believer in the psychic connection and generally an open minded person, although some experiences I hear about I have a hard time believing, this was the one that convinced me.
Sharon woke me the night before, talking in her sleep, she was obviously asleep and quite upset. Not only was sharon upset and talking, but the dog was up and walking around the room which was out of the ordinary seeing it was around three in the morning and she never moves throughout the night... "Don't go in there he'll cut your throat, he'll cut you" she said this quite clearly, and I'm a very light sleeper so I'm assuming that her moving around woke me before she started talking.
That morning the news on the radio included a story about a woman in the suburb near by getting her throat slit and stabbed several times to death by her partner in their bedroom. I also remember checking the time when she was talking in her sleep and it was about the time of death recorded. I'm now paying more attention to my partners sleeping for psychic behavior. She is clairvoyant and does have a certain connection, but this really confirmed it for me.