I am going to start off my OBE (out-of-body-experience) story by saying this; I will be the first one to admit that I never thought anything like this would ever happen to me. Sure, I have dug my nose into the paranormal/metaphysical world, but I never really knew what to believe. Well, here I am now, posting my most recent experience in hopes that someone out there in this world may understand what has happened to me and what to do if it happens again. I must say I am deeply terrified and disturbed by this experience and must find answers that I simply cannot find by a Google search. I have tried and I can't seem to find any results.
Every night before the week that led into my experience, I had no trouble falling asleep at all. In fact, once I was asleep, I never woke up until my alarm would go off in the morning. This is how my sleep routine had always been for years. One day I noticed I was starting to have troubles going to sleep, and even when I would finally fall asleep, I would wake up once each night to find the covers thrown down to my feet. It was a bit abnormal for me considering I had NEVER had issues with sleep before. I didn't think too much of it and just saw it as a change, or maybe extra stress. However, my daily activities had not changed.
The night of my OBE started just like all the other nights had during that week that led up to my experience. I had troubles falling asleep. Once asleep I awoke to find my covers thrown down to my feet. Like usual, I gathered my blankets and covered myself back up, and laid down on my left side, my back facing the closet door. At that moment I felt some sort of pressure on my back, but thought nothing of it and just shook it off. Once I closed my eyes again, I felt the pressure start up again. It wasn't like a hand or that of a breeze. It was just a pressure that I cannot describe. It wasn't painful, however, it was slightly pleasurable. I decided it was just my imagination and just went with the sensation. It started at the top of my back and slowly made its way down to my lower back... Then the unthinkable happened.
I immediately felt a rushing force come over my body, and felt my "spirit falling out" of my body through my back. I didn't feel "hands" or anything solid pulling me. The only words I know of to describe the feeling, are that of being "pulled" or "sucked" out of my body by some sort of "force." It all happened so quickly the only reaction I had was to "hold on" to my body and not let go. I was extremely terrified at the moment, and my vision was all just a blur. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. My voice was completely muffled. All I could do was fight against this force and hold onto my body. I was too afraid to let go. I didn't want to think of what would happen if I let go.
All too suddenly, I was back in my body, my eyes flew open and a literal whisper of "help me" finally came out of my mouth. I was frozen. Not a "sleep paralysis" kind of frozen. I know what that is, and that is NOT what took place here. I was fully able to move, but I was frozen in fear. I have never experienced anything like that ever in my life, and of course I never expected to. What made the situation all too real, was my blankets were still covering me, but my back was completely bare too to closet door like something or someone had moved the blankets from my back.
I don't think it was a ghostly encounter, it felt more like a "half-way" OBE. I took it to be an astral attack of some sort, but still I am not sure. I know for a fact that I was fully conscious when all of this happened. It was all TOO real. I have had vivid dreams before, but this was not like a dream that seemed real. This experience was reality for me. The only thing I have been able to find in my research is a story a bit similar to mine, with no answers, and everyone stating that this experience is re-occurring.
I am desperately looking for answers. I must know what this is. Is this occurrence good or is it evil? If it happens again, should I hold on, or should I let go and face whatever it is that is pulling my spirit from my body? If this occurrence is not a good situation, how can I stop it from happening again? I don't believe I am the only person this has happened to, and in my story, I hope that it will help some one else out there looking for answers if I can get responses. Thank you to all the readers who took precious time out of your day or night to read my story. I am very grateful to all of you.