Alright, so, I am now 17 years old and living a good, no, great life and other than the crappy grades at the moment leading to my being grounded from friends, everything is great, but enough about me at the moment and more to my Story. Well, basically I started to get really into Paranormal stuff and Psychic stuff as well a while ago, although this interest has subsided a bit, it is still going strong.
A while ago I had been researching OBE's or Astral Projections. I had decided that I wanted to try doing this because it seemed very interesting. I started to research it more and read a bunch of stories on it as well. It, like all unknown things, seemed very frightening, to say the least, but being the curious person I am I decided to go on with it anyways.
Now, during this time I had found a site that explained seven simple steps on how to do this OBE/Astral Projection. I was amazed at the steps and their simplicity considering that all the other sites had more extensive and less vague ways of doing this. Though being a lazy person I decided - Hell with it. It's the easiest way and it makes more sense since it is right there in front of me, it being: the steps and the "get to the point" way it was written.
I then finally, after reading these steps and memorizing each one, decided to try them. That night I was lying in bed and like every other night I started to get sleepy and dozy. At this time I decided it would be best to close my eyes (Considering I was a lot more relaxed) and do the proper breathing to get into that meditative state that was needed to achieve this. After about ten minutes, or what seemed to be ten, I started to enter that extreme sense of relaxed state AKA: Meditative State. At this point I was close to falling asleep but decided that I would continue on with the steps and so I did. As time went on nothing happened and I only achieved one simple thing that we all, as organisms, do is fall asleep.
Again, I tried these steps a few nights in a row having not achieved anything again. Though, on my final two nights of attempting this I, now having the steps integrated into my mind so well that I didn't even have to think about them, was finally able to achieve something.
I was lying there in bed and was doing the steps after reaching a meditative state and as I finally reached the seventh and final step, this step consisted of "feeling" your body lift, in a sense. While doing this I started to feel a bit different and then sudden butterflies entered my stomach and that strange feeling left. It, if I were to describe the incident in more detail, felt like I jumped while lying on my bed. This very thing, although a bit more intense happened to me the night after and it, both times, was very exciting. I, however, did not continue to do it after those nights. You could say I got lazy and I did. I wish I had because I had started to achieve something, or at least it seemed.
I am now interested in doing this once again and am seeking help in doing so. I also have a few questions to ask about doing this and about things that will happen once I do achieve Astral Projection to its fullest. I hope to get responses on this story as well on what you think about it and if you think it was, indeed, an Almost Astral Projection.
Thank you again.
Evan Drew