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Dejavu Black Outs And Sickness


My name is Mia, I'm 20. I have really bad dejavu, ever since I was 15. I think it started one day after I had a very very high fever and there was no one there to tend to me... I honestly think my brain got a little damaged. I now have trouble with my memory and recalling things, be it recent or a long time ago. (I used to call these weird episodes future dreams, but I do not believe in psychic abilities. I would dream of places and then end up there... I use to tell my mom that I had dreams of places and that the dreams would just play themselves over in my head when I got a glimpse of them in real life... She just looked at me funny... And I never talked about it again.) I would get very sick to my stomach and weird scenes would play over my vision, which was blacked out at this point. When this was taking places I wouldn't be able to hear anything around me or answer anyone or talk to anyone. I would feel like I was in another time and place and I would get this suicidal feeling... This would happen almost every day. For a while when I was 17 and 18 it stopped, and my level of depression greatly decreased and I was so grateful that these strange episodes had finally stopped, but once I was 19, it started up again and I am terrified of going places because I'm just so scared that any thing will trigger my dejavu. Now I'm 20 and when it happens to me, I get very sleepy afterward and struggle to stay awake. Can anyone help explain this to me? I don't want to go to the doctors, but its getting to the point where I feel it is necessary to do so. It is disturbing, and it troubles me deeply. Can any one possibly give me insight on this, and speculate on what might be going on?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MiaValentine, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

jj4ev (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
hi, I'm 20 years old and have been experiencing the same thing for about 2 years now... If you find a solution please let me know!
MiaValentine (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-10)
and yes, these are accompanied with intense fear and a feeling like I'm in a differnet time and place, like something very very bad is going to happen, and I fear for my life
MiaValentine (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-10)
These episodes do not happen when I'm in a bad mood are frustrated or scraed or anything like that. They happen randomly
darkling (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
Are these your symptoms: heart beats real fast, mumbles his words and can't get them out, he states it's an extreme dejavu feeling, like he's experienced this before or something is about to happen, he has intense fear. This will last for only a few minutes then he's pretty much back to normal...

This is what happens to a person, the very exact symptoms as to when a dark demon or spirit is trying to get into the body for whatever reason...

SADDLY: people that do not believe in spiritual and disconnect from all belief in GOD opens them up to psychic attacks... Sometimes it can be medical, but a lot of what you say sounds spiritual to me...

Best advice is to find LOVE, GOD, and THYSELF!
darkling (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
IT is not uncommon to gain spiritual awareness from fevers... Just like accidents or anything else that can shock you to be aligned right into a more sensitive state.

If you are thinking it maybe spirital, blackouts are typical of demons attacking... Or even possession... Your symptoms sound spiritual in nature, and I am not saying to stop trying medical avenues, but if medicine fails to find you an answer... And are open minded to spiritual... And you KNOW yourself and your issues around the symptoms your are explaining... If you feel healthy but something is nagging you to be on this site... Then you must think it maybe spiritual.

I knew someone who got blackouts when they got negitive in thought - from a fear / self hatrid / anger / anxiety / and then became possessed...afterward, they had some spiritual experiences from being in between as the demon possessed the body... When you blackout, does it last for long periods of time? Do you wake up and your in a different place or room then you expected? Does it happen when you are in a certian frame of mind or heart? Do you feel dizzy before it happens?

If you want to try something, its simple but not easy. You need to figure out how you align with GOD. Ask God for help, and replace your irritations with love. Sometimes when you get frustrated or impatient a lot with others, and have trust issues, it may not seem like much - but its what you feel inside that matters, not always how you react on the outside... You may bottle it in... But its still there...

Sometimes we open up with a negitive spiritual situation, so we can grow to love GOD in our own way... Ask GOD for help...
k8tiesemail (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
I also thought of your symptoms as Epilepsy. Having Epilepsy on the right and left side of my brain in the temporal lobe I have all the same symptoms you describe. Give or take. I know something is measurably wrong with my brain but I am positive this defect makes me more psychically sensitive. Your story struck me because I have suffered from a very young age with migraines. Anyway it really helped me to throw away the stigma "psychic abilities" and just enjoy what ever comes to me. Maybe I'm loony because I talk to voices telepathically as I'm falling asleep? Maybe I'm crazy or an idiot because I see colors and aura's? But life sure is more fun my way... It is what it is. This is the hand I was dealt but you were very smart in knowing not to talk about this subject unless you are with like minded people. At least I have complex focal seizures to fall back on in a conversation about my sanity:) yes you really do need the EEG. One more thing... Like naturalscience I agree if you have epilepsy or anything else don't let them stuff you full of pills unless you life has become unmanageable
MiaValentine (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
Ive been researching psychic seizures... I relate the most to that, I think I am close to finding a solution
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-03)
I too am more comfortable with eastern doctors because they also give you spiritual counseling as well.
MiaValentine (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-03)
Well, for a while I thought I had "simple partial seizures" because the symptoms of that loosely match what I experience. But I'm just not sure! The reason why I thought it wa some sort of physic ability is because I would dream of places then weeks, months, even years later I would arrive there and be there in real life and it would just such a disturbing feeling... Its hard to explain. My sister also told me to get an EEG scan, as she is a registered nurse. I As far as chinese medicine goes, this is off topic, but this lady told me I had the evil brow once lolol. I laughed. But how would I find someone who is legitimately into chinese medicine ANYWAYS! I'm going to go ahead and make a doctors appointment I would still love more feed back on this topic.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-03)
I agree with Rashidah that your dejavu's are very probably related to a minor kind of disability, a "minimal brain damage", caused by the high fever you once had. Deja vu can be part of brain disorders. It is known that certain intoxications can cause it; and some Epileptics have it as a part of their disease.
But you are right to think conventional doctors to be not the best address for the problem. The only thing they would be able to do is give you chemical pills. If you find an expert of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or a serious Classical Homeopathist, he will probably manage things better than with a "normal" neurologist.
Which does not mean that conventional diagnostic means, as EEG scan, should be excluded.
In fact, if I were you I'd have an EEG scan done, but also an osteopathic check of my upper vertebral column as to "blockages" which can be removed by Osteopathic manual intervention. "Blockages" in upper cervical vertebral column can cause vertigo, noises in ears, vigilance problems, migraines... All those symptoms are things closely related to brain function. And if such a blockage is removed, the ear noise, or the dullness in head, or whatever, will go away (with or without recurring later on, of course).
Wish you the very best for your search for practitioners of the kinds mentioned, and for success of their measures. I feel sorry not to be able to help you in this respect as I come from the other side of the planet - Germany - and of course have no addresses of such experts in your part of the world. WWW will be helpful.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-03)
This can be an incidents where there are actually real accounts of you having dejavu and also having a medical condition.

I am worried over the blackouts you are getting.

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