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Shadow Man Connected To My Past Life?


I have recently had another experience, and this one has only started happening recently. I have begun to see dots in the air, like bubbles. This ability has slowly started to increase, and now I can see when a spirit is disrupting this "Field" of bubble-like shapes, showing me what the basic form of the spirit looks like. Now, because of this "gift," my life has become much more stressful and frightening.

One night, I was lying in my bed texting my friend about my experiences (she is also a psychic, and I'm glad I met her) when something odd shot past my vision. This "something odd" looked very much like the shadow of a man darting past my closet that is directly across from the foot of my bed about 5 feet. Now of course I instantly tensed up, a tad freaked out at the sudden silhouette. Though, after another moment, I figured it was just a car passing by (my window faces a pond, though, where no streets are near) making this shadow go across my wall. After a few more minutes though, and a few more shadows later, I quickly dismissed the "car lights" theory.

The second thing I saw was similar to the first, but this time it was near my TV, which is next to my closet on the right in the corner. It appeared and disappeared within a second. Next, the same silhouette ran across my wall across from my window (the window is to the right of my bed, so this shadow was on the left wall) and to my closet again, and vanished. The time after this one, however, was the most terrifying.

I was in a slight panic, and was right in the middle of texting my friend about what had just seen, when I saw a face. A man's face, no facial hair, wearing a disturbing smirk, and large round glasses, staring directly at me. I jumped and nearly screamed. Throwing my blankets over my head, I started to panic and sent my friend a text saying, "I JUST SAW A FACE! IT WAS RIGHT HERE!" (I still have the text message, that's how I remember). I nearly cried, but was able to keep enough of my composure to keep myself from doing so.

I kept myself curled up under the blankets for a long time (I eventually fell asleep with it still over me) and then I felt a dark presence "fly" over the top of me and press itself down on me. I was extremely scared, because this had reminded me of the time that I met a demon that had sex with me, so I tried to uncover my blankets but stopped myself, because I couldn't see anything above a wall of black blocking my vision. (I will skip details about this part for private reasons, and no, it does not involve sex or rape, I just do not like having to re-hash this part; it gave me nightmares.)

I had passed out after everything was calm-for the most part, anyway- and woke the next morning still in pain...

Now, about this having to deal with my past life... I don't know what world or anything my past life is from, because she was in a parallel dimension. You don't have to believe me about that, that's okay, I know you don't know me personally and take things (and you should) with a grain of salt. Now about this past life, I have started having "flashbacks" of memories from her life, seeing things that happened to her and so on. The scary part is, is that this shadow man I saw, this face I saw, was a man from some of these *nightmarish* visions. Most of the memories were good ones, but everything involving this man was pure horror. I found out that this man was actually her father, MY father (not in this life, of course), and they had a very bad relationship. Now he's back, and I believe he's trying to harm me in this life.

I'm not really sure if I'm looking for answers or help, but I wanted to share this experience. It feels much better saying this now, and getting it off of my chest. If anyone has anything to say along the terms of helping me, even though I haven't directly asked for it, I will appreciate it very much. Thank you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, birdzgoboom, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

A5 (2 stories) (144 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
On the subject of past lives, I have begun to see more visions of my own quite recently. I can identify five I think, four at different time periods in history and one from who knows where. It's enough to give anybody major identity problems.
I have seen a dark shape of a man who I believe helped me in a time I was weak. It is pretty apparent that's not this guy's idea. He may be a ghost or a person from another dimension (I know that sounds weird, but it's complicated). In any case you need a way to get rid of him. I don't know how to do that. Usually I can deal with ghosts or get away from them.
Try to contact other spirits, relitives you might have been close to. Maybe they can help or at least give you better suggestions than I have.
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
[at] Rashidah

So am I. I had never really gotten to talk with the other two; I just knew that they were members of the site. RougeElegance helped me out once before and I was going to possibly email her, but then I noticed she no longer had an account... It said she was only a guest now.

I really hope they are alright. 😕
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
The only one I am concerned about is RougeElegance. She was a very good poster. 😐
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
[at] anyone who knows

What exactly happened to RougeElegance, AJBENN123, and zen? I thought that they were members of this site... Did something happen to them while I was gone? 😕

This has nothing to do with this story, that is why I posted it on my own story.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
Your welcome. I won't over do it with my "jokes", though; because no one like that. As for the creepy guy, I don't know what you should do. I would just wait until he gets near you, and pull out a hidden cross. Then say " (insert cool qoute here) " and watch him evaporate.
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
[at] trueorUntrue

😆 For a song, that sure does tell the truth. Good choice on that one; it just brightened up my mood considerably. 😊
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
[at] Birdzgoboom

You know what they say though...


...and that's the truth.
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
[at] TrueorUntrue

I was definitely not trying to sound rude, I'm sorry if it sounded that way. I've been having quite the bad week, you see.

And here's a quote from this story: "A man's face, no facial hair, wearing a disturbing smirk, and large round glasses, staring directly at me."

I do believe that is very clear and concise as to how this man looks. 😆 But it's alright that it was a misunderstanding.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
*sniff* I was just trying to help *cries*

Lol:P. The way you told it sounded to me like my two other pictures.
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
[at] TrueorUntrue

*sighs slightly* Yet again, like the creature from my other story. No, this man... Hm... Sadly this is the closest picture I could find to resembling the man (I feel very bad for putting up a picture of a video game character, but this is the closest I could find to him):

The only real resemblance that the man I saw has to this man is his glasses and facial structure. He also had black hair, but I could not tell the length, and also the white coat (I am not sure it was a lab coat though-- just a white coat of sorts.)
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
Ok, so I'm guessing he looked like this?


Just a guess.
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
To Rashidah and TrueorUntrue

[at] Rashidah

It's been a while, hasn't it? I dislike internet troubles! 😠 Everything's going good besides this of course; how have you been doing?

[at] TrueorUntrue

No, he didn't look like that. Those figures are actually in my other story "A Wolf spirit, and a Hooded Horseman". This man looked like a human, an evil, creepy human. 😐
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Can I ask if he looked like this?

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Hey birdzgoboom. Welcome back to the site. I do hope everything is going alright with you ❤
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)

I would just put some kind of Spirit Defelector in your room (don't ask me, I don't really know)

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