As I mention in all of my stories, I've been experiencing things all my life. My earliest memory of anything paranormal happened when I was six after my grandfather passed, and I would see these blue and purple orbs everywhere. This occurred for roughly a year. I told my mom about it, and after I stopped seeing them she told me that my grandfather was buried in blue, and my great grandmother in purple.
The activity happens randomly. For months I'll go without experiencing anything, and I'll have myself convinced that it's all over with, but it always returns again. Sometimes more active and attention-getting than others.
The latest happenings have been the shadows, which I mentioned in another one of my posts. They occur mainly at night, but the activity is not restricted to just night time. It's almost like a vision. For half a second my vision warps and I see something there, but the next thing I know it's gone. I thought I was just having vision problems, but it's not like that.
I've felt something touching me as well. Like brushing against my arm or fingers moving through my hair. And I've heard things. The latest thing was a growl-like noise, but it sounded completely human. I don't allow myself to acknowledge these things. I've found that I'm a lot less scared when I just dismiss them.
But for the longest time, the activity had stopped. At one point last year it was really bad. I was afraid to even walk into my own home. I'd confide in my boyfriend at the time about what was happening, and how afraid I was, because I tried to tell my mom but she didn't believe me. I told him about the dark figures I was seeing, and he got really worried, because he's a Pagan and apparently dark figures to them represent something called a Shade, which is something very evil (or so he said). So he did something to protect my house, and for a while the activity stopped, but now it's started up again and, even though I try and ignore it, it seems as if it's getting worse.
I know I just posted a story, but I had new information to give and I wasn't sure how to reply through the comments. Any help is greatly appreciated.