When I was about ten years old, I used to often go to work with my mother. Back then I was really interested in trains for some reason, and we would always, to my excitement, get there by train, and come back by one as well. One day we were waiting for the train to come. I suddenly had a strange feeling that something was going to go wrong, and I became really afraid. We ended up getting on the train anyway, unfortunately. Around five stops later, a message came on, over the loudspeaker, telling us that we all had to evacuate the trains for some reason.
When I was about eight, I lived in a house with an L shaped second story hallway. My parent's bedroom was at the end of the hallway, mine was at the other end, and my sister's room was kind of in the middle of the hallway. My parents were in their bedroom, and my sister was in there saying goodnight. I was standing in my doorway facing the hall. Suddenly I noticed a tall figure in front of my sister's door. For some reason it looked like my father, which was weird because, obviously, my dad wasn't dead. I was so afraid.
What I want to know is:
1. Why did the spirit look like my dad?
2. Or was it a hallucination?
3. And does everyone have a bit of intuition or knowing?