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Real Psychic Experiences

How Can I Learn To Control My Gifts


To start off, I'm sixteen soon to be seventeen. From what I can remember and it all started when I was five. I had a dream that my dad had picked up a game for me and my brother for being good, I woke up thinking it was a funny dream and left the room laughing at it... But it happened, my dad had the exact same game and he said it was because we were good. Being five at the time I didn't think anything of it. Then my sixth birthday came around, my mom decided to celebrate by taking me and my brother to the wreck center.

It was my first time being there and I was excited! I met another new kid before we got inside the building I went to him and said "Hi josh, nice to meet you." he shrugged me off and went inside and I chased after him saying "whats wrong josh? Why are you mad at me?" and he asked me "how did you know my name?" I replied "you told me didn't you?" and he said "we've never met before so that can't be it" I just ignored it and asked him to play a game with me. It was a few years before I had another strange experience, I was twelve and my dad had just finished yelling at me for something I didn't do. I just sat down steaming over what happened.

My mom walked up to me and asked what was wrong I just looked at her and she jumped a bit; she told me to calm down because my eyes had turned into what she called "demonic eyes" but the way she described them, made them sound like cat like eyes. After I asked what she meant she said my eyes went back to normal. She asked if I wanted to talk about anything, I said no and went to bed but I couldn't exactly go to sleep. I started sensing things for the first time and it scared me half to death. Me not knowing what was going on asked my mom if I could get a light or something to help with the "night terrors" she agreed and a week later we got a "Good deal" a tv attached to a two light bulb lantern. I went to bed that night sensing things again but I wasn't as terrified since I had been getting use to it, I had a strange dream... One to this day I could never forget even if I wanted too.

In the dream me and some friends were robbing a bank and I had a sharpened pole on my back for some reason, when we got into the car and drove off the police had trapt us. But I started to lift my hands and the police and police cars were just floating in mid air; I slammed my hands together and crushed them... I one guy had survived but he had a broken leg, I made a pole float to inches above the guys head and then I drove it straight through him. I was laughing in the dream but I woke up in a sweat; it was around 5 am and I had the day off, I had nothing to so I decided to just stare at the lantern I zoned out, and the lantern started to shake like crazy, again I was terrified! Later that day I told my mom what happened, and she told me that she's not surprised.

She could move things as a child too, but she never practiced it. She told me her mom had special abilities too and her mom before her and father before her. I told my mom I was scared that if I lost control I might hurt someone, (at this point in time I was thinking about the dream which to this day I've never told her about) I tried to learn on my own but I can only move a psi wheel with ease other objects are hard. I know what I've said may sound made up but it's the truth and I need to know! Why do I have so many abilities but no control? Is there anyone who can help?!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, suitonryu, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Ashtashaway (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
I have had visions since as long as I can remember, and they are never positive. They are strong and clear, making them known while I sleep. In the morn I am always left with the dread and feelings of knowing what I know to come. They almost always come to pass... I can't do it anymore. I am ill equipped for this, the things I see, the things I am asked. I want it to stop. I need it to stop. Help.
suitonryu (4 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
Hmm I never thought about it but I can often tell when my friends are lying to me, and they always come to me for advice. Interesting, I wonder what else I don't know about myself.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-30)
the reason why you knew the persons name is because of an ability called intuition. Not just the feeling that everyone calls intuition, but it is an actual ability. You can know things with absolutely no source at all. Like how you knew the boy's name, no source, nothing at all, and you knew. Intuition can help you tell who is lying and who is not too. But you're not a mind reader so far. It would have been obvious to you I think.
suitonryu (4 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-30)
I myself am not japanese but I love the japanese culture, and yea I sensed spirits before I went to bed. So how did I know his name? Am I a mind reader? (Even I would have to admit that would be pretty awesome)
raybabay13 (4 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
you sensed a ghost before you had that dream right? Because I have a thoery that ghosts bring on bad dreams. Everyone I know that sees ghosts have terrible dreams, including myself.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
oh, and try meditating. That may help to control your abilities.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
what surprises me suitonryu is the demonic eyes part. The thing is, I kind of have the same thing when I get mad. My mother says I have that kind of eyes but she describes them as grudge eyes, like the movie... And if I may ask, are you japanese? Because I am, and if I am not mistaken, 'suitonryu' means 'water dragon' in japanese.
I don't think you're an empath. Since you can't feel others emotion or pain
suitonryu (4 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
So wait let me get this straight, I'm telekinetic, bio-kinetic, empathic, precognitive and sensitive to spiritual activity? It feels like a lot of pressure to learn how to control all of these gifts... 😕
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
there is a psychic gift called biokinesis where you can change the eye color but I am not completly sure that is what you did but you cannot rule it out. Heres a website with a lot of information about -kinesises
suitonryu (4 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
Thanks for the help everyone! But I still have one question, why did my eyes change? Is that a side effect or something?
Sevastiel (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
If the dream was the result of stressors, then it is indicative of a desire at that time to have been able to have more control over things that you felt were controlling you.

I can't say if it meant anything more.
As far as gifts go, 'belief creates reality' which I believe some of the others already commented on. Energy follows thought. Doctors use the power of belief on us when they give us sugar pills and psychologists and motivation coaches do it when they suggest positive affirmation and the like. (Strange the same types have in the past scoffed at spiritual texts' use of belief and faith, but that's unconstructive debate...).

I agree with practice makes perfect (practice reinforces belief in oneself). Don't let frustration hold you back. Just take one step at a time.
SnowAngel12 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
[at] suitonryu
Controlling your abilities depends on what area you want to control.

For example controlling energy in your body and transferring it into someone else to start or boost the process of healing. It all depends on your ability to believe in yourself, how strong your imagination is, as well as have a strong purpose of what you want to do. If one part of your resolution wavers then it doesn't work as well. Look up different areas of mediation that people got to say in this. Some will help some will not because it really depends on the person and what fits with them.

Good luck:)
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
[at] suitonryu

I can help you out if you want. Its up to you though. I have the means to do so. If you feel like talking drop me a email at rc_hardy [at] Its my Psychic Website email address.
Aaimee (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
I can't control some of my abilities either, but I read on a site that you can learn to control by practicing, like for me that would be move more stuff around (?),for you, try guessing peoples names and stuff like that before you meet them. I also read that you could train your psychic abilities like a puppy, like one dude tried to learn telekinesis by telling himself how cool it would be to learn this ability, and it pretty much worked for him. I hope any of this is usefull.
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-27)
[at] trueor
The dream may not be a premonition. Anyways, I say that deciding not to help can cause a person to go mad. Psychic gifts can cause many people to worry about unnecessary things.

Dreams can mean many things, depending on how you think. Your mind makes up your dreams if there not premonitions (I guess kind of sorta). To understand the dream you must first understand your mind. What would robbing a bank have to do with your life? Why would you want to kill people? Dreams can help anyone understand their lives better and help them sort through their problems.

You also have the gift of clarvoyance. You know things about objects or people that you "shouldn't" know. I say shouldn't because you never met the person yet you knew his name. I have the same gift and it sometimes annoys me because I will get random info. And not realize I'm getting the information until I say it out loud.

You are never alone in the gifts that you have.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-27)
Ok, let me do the fast version of what I was going to say.

1. Be greatful for what you have.
2. You don't need our help, becuase you might get help in the future.
3. Why should we help a person that's going to rob a bank? 😜

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