When I was eleven, I spoke to many different spirits, many of whom I have forgotten over the years. One of them has always stayed with me however, and her name is Winnamere, or Winna for short. Now, I've always been able to interact with spirits, so don't think that it was just some sudden thing when I was eleven, it was just that there was suddenly SO MANY. But the only one that matters right now is Winna. She's the wind spirit that resides in my area. She's surprisingly witty, even sometimes sarcastic, strong willed, free spirited, and lazy when she isn't finding ways to distract me from whatever it is that I'm supposed to be doing. She's also become one of my dearest friends over the years.
I am now almost fifteen, been through events in my life that have been horrible (such as my mother trying to commit suicide when I was seven and having one of my best friends die) and through those that have been wonderful (discovering my talent and passion for art). Winna has seen me through many and has always stayed with me, even when I have forgotten her or taken her for granted. But I'm not really sure what or who she is and she's pretty set on not enlightening me. I've researched many things and have yet to find a truly similar story or accurate description of her. When I called her a Sylph (which was sadly about the closest I could get) she got offended and blew leaves in my face. So please, can someone shed some light on her mystery for me? Have any of you experienced someone similar or know of beings like her?
Here's just about all I know about her:
1.) she's not originally from here.
2.) Winna is the name we decided upon a long time ago since her real name isn't translated very well into English apparently.
3.) when I called her a Sylph her words were something to the effect of "don't compare me to such common creatures"
4.) Whenever I ask for a breeze or rain or anything, she always supplies it and is generous enough to tune most days to my taste within reasonable range of the seasons.
5.) generally, I can only hear her. Sometimes I catch glimpses of her and have only actually seen her a handful of times for special occasions.
6.) She controls quite a large area if air ranging from all the way east of me (I live about an hour from the ocean) to a few miles south in North Carolina, I don't know how far north beyond Fredricksburg (which is about six hours north) to about the middle of Virginia and when I go out of state for extended periods of time she visits me. That's really all that I can think of right now. So please help me figure out more about her. She's open to me "taking a hand at it." as in taking a hand at learning about her without her help. Thank you!
I was going to suggest the idea of beings not of Earth due to your saying she's not from here, but I don't want to go off on a UFO/ET side-topic (though I still consider it spiritual in and of itself).
Perhaps she took it as a stereotype? (which means she has an ego of sorts if it caused that kind of reaction... Though ego 'is' the shared domain of air and fire). She's as much slyph as you and I are only our skin color or nationality. Of course, she 'is' still slyph just as we are, in fact, our skin color and nationality. Just not only.
"All Slyphs have air and all beings of air act within these range of temperaments, therefore all beings having or being of air are Slyphs" is true as a statement, but it disregards any form of heirarchy or achievement and gives no credit to position or evolution within a whole... Which is a purpose of the active mind (also air).
As I understood it, elementals were the spiritual servants assigned by the Divine to help the Divine keep things moving in the energetic ecosystem and maintain balance whilst creating necessary changes in that balance to answer the needs of the Divine. They're present while we're there and all, but rarely assigned as guides to follow us through life and not required/intended to interact directly with us on a sentient level so as to keep free will intact, since the material body is comprised of the elements and answers accordingly?
Perhaps she is not, as stated, a common servant.
Leave it to airy influence to motivate complex thought...
I guess the point was just to say astrology has insights into elements (as does Alchemy).
And enjoy the weather.