"Good morning," the spirit would tell me every day when I first wake up. I've gotten so used to it that I practically ignore it. But sometimes they catch me when I off guard, like randomly when I am doing my homework, or watching TV. Geeze it can be such a nuisance sometimes, like when I'm talking to someone on the phone! And other times it just scares the heck out of me, like once I was just sitting outside drawing a picture, and boo! Something whispers into my ear! And sometimes they are just plain out annoying! Once I was trying to meditate, but that was impossible because a spirit kept whispering in my ear! One of these days it feels like I'm about to explode!
So I have began to ask my friends on how to stop them from annoying me. Not stop listening to them altogether. Because some spirits are very pleasant to have around and talk to. But I want to know how I can block out what a spirit is saying when I don't want to listen to them.
So if you had also had experience with this, or know how to shield myself from their chatter. Please comment on this experience! Please, the future of my mental health lies in your hands. So please help if you can in any way relate to this experience.
~The time is winding down while the lives are going up