When I was a kid, probably around 12 or 13, I always hated the fact that I could do things no one else could. When I was in grade school, I discovered I had an innate ability to move things without touching them. First, I thought that I was dreaming, but while I was sitting in class and the pencil flew from my hands and landed in my teachers neck, I woke up real quick. I was sent to a head doctor because they said that I was depressed and angry and my little body was going threw some changes. Yeah right, I was about to tell them what happened, but then I remembered what happens to freaks, so I decided too keep my mouth shut.
Over the years, I have tried to control this so called "gift" but to no avail. It seems to happen right when I'm about to fall asleep. I tried sites that explain how to learn it but none on how to control it, and quite frankly, I'm starting to get worried. Just yesterday, I was lying on my couch watching the super bowl, I started to get tired and as I was reaching for the remote control, next to the glass jar of salsa, the jar went screaming across the room right into the TV.
You're probably wondering if this is a hoax or a gag but it's not. I'm writing this letter to ask for help. Many people wish they could have super powers and fly or move stuff with their mind, I personally wouldn't. You probably think this is still a hoax, but why would I ask for help. Above is an alias, my real name doesn't matter, my story does. If you think you can cure me, write a comment or reach me by email: rainernight [at] yahoo [dot] com