I think I'm psychic, but I'm not really sure. I always see a ghost of a black cat in my house. I have horrible dreams, once about a girl being killed. I'm terrified because I'm only 12. I always have what I think are psychic feeling, and I ALWAYS feel like someone (or something) is watching me. My best friend also experiences the same thing as me, but instead of a cat, she sees a man. I Need to know what's up! I want to know if I have abilities. I do really think I'm psychic though. Please help me and tell me how to know if I'm psychic! Once my friend and I were talking about our abilities and we both saw the cat. I don't really know how to tell, but Id like to know. Please help me, I'm so terrified I can't sleep. I have night mares and I think I am also sensitive to animals, they always love me and I can understand them in a way. I have two dogs, and whenever I hear a collar I know its them, I can tell. For example, if my dad takes them for a walk, and I hear they're collar, ill know its them coming around the corner.
My friend and I were walking and we saw a cat that looked just like the one in my house, it immediately came over and wanted me to pet it. I don't know if cats are friendly, because I don't have one, but I didn't think this cat would be so friendly to a stranger, and it had a mysterious vibe to it. I also feel vibes from people.
I think I'm a psychic too, because once I was sleeping, and I dremt that my aunt would open my door and cry about something, and then when I woke up the Exact same thing happend. It was so weird, but now I kind of got used to weird stuff happening to me when I'm asleep.
I know how you feel. Good luck.