There's a woman in my room. I don't see her but I feel her. I know that she is very tall and when I think of her a white figure that's tall and skinny comes to mind. I know she's in my room now I know her favorite place to stand and I know that she's angry, I'm not sure if it's at me.
I thought that she was my guardian angel at first so I liked her and she comforted me but now I fear her and she makes me uneasy. I've just started feeling the playful energy of a little girl, I assume it's the woman's little girl but that I'm not sure of. The little girl peaks out of my parent's bedroom when I am watching TV and she'll poke her delicate head from behind the wall by my staircase. And sometimes I feel her frightened spirit rush down the stairs and fall then I feel her energy disappear.
I've seen her cry in the corner on my way to my bathroom and I've seen parts of her play on the ground in what looks like a game of ball. But when I can see the little girl then I can feel the lady. The lady, I've seen her stand in my doorway to my bathroom, she has anger in her and hate but she doesn't frighten me too much. Well, not as much as other spirits that I can hear tap my door at night.
I don't think that I'm sensing anything but yet I feel like the little girl's death was an accident and the woman that is angry is angry at me. I don't think I have powers but all this is just so real! I wish that we could just classify this under a puberty smack down of a 13 year old girl or I'm making stuff up. But I don't think I am. I keep telling myself I'm stupid and I don't sense a thing but I still believe in that I do.
Also, I hear voices of a little girl crying or someone choking outside my door. I've heard men talking and then it erupted into an argument and faded away. I've felt tugs on my shirt that reminded me of a child. Oh gosh! I think I'm crazy! Especially since no one else in my family seems to feel/hear/see the things I do!